Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Join us as we invite world-class guests to explore the depths of human potential. Together, we’ll uncover how to nourish your body, transform resistance into support, and harness the incredible power of your mind and emotions. We’ll dive into a spirituality that’s been battle-tested, stripped of the fluff, and rooted in authenticity. And above all, we’ll share laughter and joy along the way—because growth should be as enjoyable as it is profound.


This Mystic Catholic Priest Knows God W/ Sean O’Laoire

October 30th, 2024

This is one of the most special conversations I have recorded in the dozen years I have been recording. Father Sean O’Laoire lives in the unique intersection of being a PhD in transpersonal psychology along with being ordained as a Catholic priest in 1972, spending 14 years working among the Kalenjin people of East Africa. He speaks six languages, including his ancestral Gaelic tongue, replete with the myths and stories of not only the biblical texts, but the esoteric legends of magic from his native Ireland. 


The Secret Science Of Angels, Crystals, Colors, And Metals W/ Dr. Robert Gilbert

October 2nd, 2024

Dr. Robert Gilbert is like a living library of Alexandria. He has synthesized the best of Western and Eastern traditions into the science of living in the Michaelic Age. What does that mean? In this podcast, we explore the secret wisdom of Archangel Michael represents and how to actually flow with the current of the time that we're in, which includes the fierceness of the discretion of the sword, along with the Christic actualization of the sun energy. 


The Astounding Mysteries of the Self & Universe 
W/ Physicist Nassim Haramein

September 25th, 2024

Nassim Haramein, with over 35 years of research, seeks to unravel the universe's mysteries through interdisciplinary work in physics, mathematics, and cosmology. His groundbreaking theories aim to unify our understanding by integrating forces and constants in physics, offering a unified perspective.