Remembering Your Birthright w/ Blu + Unique Sound Meditation


This series premiere of I Am: Unique Sound is with one of the most magical people on planet Earth (and probably the whole Cosmos!). Blu is a medicine woman not in title, but in absolute practice. Her art is medicine, her song is medicine, her very essence is medicine, and she’s truly a soul ally for me and so many others.

This episode opens with a fully mastered sound healing in 432hz Golden Light Frequency, channeled live from Blu’s unique signature vibration. Then Blu closes with a beautiful prayer reminding us that we are an inextricable part of the seamless but not featureless emanation of the One.

I feel like this series is one of the truest expressions of my soul’s highest calling, and I am deeply humbled that I was shaped from the Source clay to be a vehicle for these deep transmissions.

Stay tuned for new releases like this every full moon, and also every new moon where I’ll be working exclusively with my husband Aubrey Marcus to capture with sound and word, his own expression of what is alive and in the field for the coming lunar cycle.
