The Future Of The World Depends On Us w/ Charles Eisenstein


Your actions are not insignificant.
Every choice you make contributes critically to the future we will live in.
So what is there to do?

This podcast offers some some potential pathways to unlock your full potential as a guardian of the galaxy. One of these vectors we explore at depth is Charles Eisenstein’s decision to join Robert F. Kennedy’s Presidential campaign. We discuss how RFK Jr.'s unwavering commitment to healing the polarization and division tearing our nation apart sets him apart as a beacon of hope.

But his success depends on us.

Not only whether or not he wins the election, but the full potential of him as our leader. In this conversation we also explore the roots of government mistrust, stemming from the tragic assassination of JFK in 1963, and discuss how with our support,  RFK Jr. can pick up the pieces, continuing his family’s powerful legacy.
