Shamanic Breathing and Matters of the Heart with Anahata
Anahata: sister, teacher, friend was the first to introduce me to shamanic breathing, one of the most elegant and impactful psychedelic experiences I have experienced. We discuss this incredible healing modality as well as the keys to self mastery and conscious relationships. About Anahata Ananda The Shamanic Healer and Spiritual Counselor Anahata, has trained extensively with gifted shamans, energy healers and spiritual teachers from Peru, India, Asia and North America in order to artfully integrate the fields of Spirituality, energy healing, self-empowerment, shamanic teachings, emotional release, couple/family dynamics and visualization techniques. Blending the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman, Anahata guides journeys of profound healing and awakening. Anahata is the founder of Shamangelic Healing based in Sedona, Arizona. Clients seeking Spiritual awakening, transformational healing services, conscious relationship counseling, sacred land journeys or training courses choose from a wide range of options in order to create a tailored personal experience. For detailed descriptions of courses and events offered by Anahata check out the links below.
Coming Home ~ Guided Visualizations for Clearing and Serenity - Including Animal Wisdom meditation! http://shamangelichealing.com/store/coming-home-cdguided/
NEW ANAHATA'S ONLINE COURSES This is a fabulous way to explore, learn and grow Anahata in the comfort of your own living room and on your own schedule.Thank you for sharing these courses with your clients, friends and family :)