Laughter Shamans and Sophist Shenanigans w/ Brent Pella
Oh, we wild’n out for sure on this podcast!
In a hilarious full spectrum conversation that may or may not have been influenced by mind altering substances, comedian Brent Pella and I delve deep into the realms of comedy, psychedelics, aliens, free will, and…I forget. But I do remember that Brent shares his unique insights on the role of comedy in our personal lives and culture, and that I shared my own interdimensional alien abduction story.
Come join us on the inside jokes of the universe so we can all laugh and ponder together.
BRENT: My theory has always been, if you can physically store joy, then every happy moment, from the lowest little half a smile chuckle, to the highest tears fucking pouring out of your eyes with laughter, with a bunch of your best friends, and everything in between on that spectrum, is positively affecting your body down to the fucking atoms.
AUBREY: People don't really realize that comedians are shamans. The shaman affects the energy of the collective space that you're in.
BRENT: That’s the most Aubrey Marcus shit I've ever heard you said.
AUBREY: People underestimate and undervalue that ecstatic experience. Just imagine all of the really uptight people. Like if Trump could actually be at a festival and it. Static dance for real, you know, like you're just like loosen a lot of shit up and you'd just be like a cooler guy
BRENT: I would love to see Trump do molly, say this on stage I think he would show up at the border of Mexico with no pants on and just be like let him all in. We need people to be poking fun at the mainstream narrative and different cultural trends as much as possible these days because shit's getting so nuts
AUBREY: There's always a place where you can apply a certain perspective and still find your way to the cosmic giggle of it all
BRENT: Are aliens interdimensional? What do you think of this?
AUBREY: Yeah, I've had some alien experiences.
BRENT: I know you have.
AUBREY: I was kind of interdimensionally abducted. Yeah.
BRENT: Have you already told that story?
AUBREY: I'm a light of a cigar. We're going to tell the story the proper way. Cause I've never told this story.
BRENT: Okay cool. Make sure it's in the right spot for the energy. There's a microphone. Sorry. I didn't know.
AUBREY: Just like that.
BRENT: Wait, okay. If we're on now
AUBREY: Grab it by the base
BRENT: Uh huh, here? Move it up and down like this as we go
AUBREY: That's how you move it.
BRENT: Okay, cool. Does that feel good?
AUBREY: I just, yeah.
BRENT: Does that feel good for you?
AUBREY: Yeah, just watch where your thumbs are.
BRENT: Oh, sorry.
AUBREY: If you're really angry, if you're aggressive and you want to get overhand grip. You can hand grip here.
BRENT: How's that? Has this ever been done on the podcast before? Welcome to the Aubrey Marcus podcast brought to you by the fleshlight.
BRENT: Kind of like this, but
AUBREY: We're going old school. Dropping with the flashlight
BRENT: There we go.
AUBREY: Brad, what's up man.
BRENT: Sup baby, you know, if we're starting, I need to put on my beads, dude.
BRENT: I wasn't going to come do the Aubrey Marcus podcast without wearing my sacred jewelry.
AUBREY: Of course. Yeah.
BRENT: So there you go.
AUBREY: Well, you brought the sacred Jaguar.
BRENT: Yeah, that's the skull of the last guy who challenged you to one on one. I recognize him.
AUBREY: Yeah, all the shrunken heads. They're in there.
BRENT: For the magic.
AUBREY: Beautiful gift from the shipibo people out there. Make unbelievable artifacts.
BRENT: Yeah, that is nuts dude.
AUBREY: Yeah, pretty cool.
BRENT: I felt the energy. Yep.
AUBREY: Sure you did.
BRENT: I did.
AUBREY: So, bro, we've seen you probably do your sketches. Maybe we've seen you on wilding out. Maybe we've seen you in some different places. Hopefully we've seen you on stage. You're fucking hilarious.
BRENT: Thank you, bro.
AUBREY: So anybody who gets a chance to see you. Where did that begin? When did you start kind of figuring out you would go down the path of being funny
BRENT: You know, for most people who do comedy, it's from just being rejected by women constantly. I was raised by a single mom, so she was like my first audience.
AUBREY: She rejected you
BRENT: And she rejected me constantly. Four years old, no dessert was like, all right, I'll make you laugh, hope, and I did. And you know, that taught me
AUBREY: That I got you the ice cream.
BRENT: Exactly.
BRENT: Yeah, man, I was raised by a single mom. And then she remarried and had my sister and then there was a separation. So it was always like me, my mom and my sister. So I just had an audience kind of consistently growing up
AUBREY: And your sister rejected you too.
BRENT: Sister rejected me too. It's like, boom, boom, boom. It was just a lot of rejection. It was really that, I grew up with like early SNL, kind of mid nineties, Chris Farley, Will Ferrell. And then when Fallon came on back in the glory days of the show and that was a huge inspiration.
AUBREY: But, what I wonder is some kids seem funny. Like they're just actually funny. It's like a weird thing with humor, obviously it's learned because if you have funny parents, you have funny people. It makes you more funny
AUBREY: Right? So you can definitely learn that and pick that up. But I wonder if there's a particular type of thing that's like it's obviously the nature versus nurture argument. Right. But this is the nature argument. Some people are just naturally a little bit more funny.
BRENT: Yeah,I think. You know, my environment was a big part of the evolution of my like comedy sensibilities because my mom was really fun. She was really funny. She had me, really young. And so she was like 22, 23. So she was still young when I was young. You know what I mean? Like I was seven and she was still in her 20s. So she was doing things and bringing me out to like social events. She would bring me to Grateful Dead shows. She would bring me to her work. She worked at a bar and I was like, I don't know if that's going to say, sorry, mom. But like I would be in social environments often from a really young age.
BRENT: So I think that maybe that must have given me some sense of comfort and interacting with people and like being kind of, you know, in the middle of conversations, even from a young age. And that evolved maybe to me being desperate for attention on stage or as my therapist would say, I have father issues. So, yeah, it was nature versus nurture. So yeah, some people I think are naturally born with a leaning toward wanting to perform.
AUBREY: Yeah, and well, and maybe it's also like laughter is one option of a way to respond to things that are difficult.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Right. Like when things are fucked up or things are hard, you know, that's why I think a lot of comics have had some difficult shit they've moved through. And then this is part of the alchemy of it, you either can, you know, cry deep on the inside about it or on the outside about it or laugh about it.
AUBREY: And there's a path and sometimes you need both, but the ability to laugh at it, is a skill like, there's so many times and actually Vylana is really good at this where we'll be in something in some like super funky energy or something and she'll just find the moment to say something funny, you know, and be like, just do better, you know, and then at that moment where humor comes in, it's like, oh, we're through this.
AUBREY: Like we've actually made it through because the point you're laughing, it's like one of the most powerful things just changes the fucking scenario. As soon as she says some shit like that, even if I'm still hurt or whatever, it'll be like, okay, we're through this. Like we're into the humor world
BRENT: Yeah, yeah. It adds when you can laugh even during a situation where you wouldn't consider the situation to be humorous or to be like a space for laughter or joking of any kind, and then you inject just a quick piece of humor. It instantly adds humility to the situation. I'll give you an example. I sat in on the Ayahuasca ceremony. Do you know what Ayahuasca is? Okay. I don't know. I didn't know if I should explain, but so my first ceremony was last year. It was with Tony Moss, who I think you've met before. You guys know each other. And I remember the first night, eight hours in, he was like landing the ship. Everybody was coming back in and it was really soft and the music was just fitting out. And somebody was playing a final note on the guitar and everybody was like, kind of like wiping away their tears or their vomit or whatever they had. And the guy playing the guitar, like totally messed up a chord. Like it was bad. It was almost like
AUBREY: Yeah, of course
BRENT: You messed up a chord
AUBREY: Especially with your supersonic ayahuasca sensing. I was like,
BRENT: Oh, did you just let in a demon? What's happening? You have to replay that, but he messed it up and Tony Moss like made a joke about it right away. And I did not think that was going to be the space for humor. You know what I mean? It was because it was so serious and it was intentional. It was a really intimate setting as you know, and but he immediately made a joke about like the guy who misfired the cord and then he like pretended to sing and he was like, and he like crutched his own voice to make fun of the moment and everybody in the room lit up and it was so cool. And the whole weekend in that ceremony space was fun because Tony injected humor into his like, you know, opening speech and everything. It's super important, man.
AUBREY: I remember one of the, not one of the absolute funniest moments in the Moloka when I was doing ayahuasca, I was drinking with Maestro Hamilton. Who I've had on the podcast before. And then we were with his teacher, who I'm actually going to see, maestro Alberto. And so, and then maestro Hamilton had also taught an apprentice and another shaman maestro Christian. So we had triple shamans, triple shaman action here, three stages of the lineage. And it was fucking awesome ceremony. And Alberto was kind of running the whole show. He's the head shaman. Of course, he's the head of the lineage he gave for some reason he gave, cause he pours the ayahuasca, he gave a whole big whopper to the youngest shaman, maestro Christian, right? It's just a fucking whopper. Pours him a whopper. Shamans do what shamans do. So, you know, they're all drinking and they talk and then they're going into their Icaros and their songs and whatever, and then, Christian has to go into the bathroom and the bathroom was one of those ones connected to the Maloka. Like it wasn't separate, you know, it was like a door around the back so you could hear everything. And he's just shitting like, he's like nothing you've ever heard before. It was like machine gun turrets mixed with like explosions mixed with like a steady stream. Like, yeah, exactly. It was fucking everywhere. It was a war zone. It was fucking Normandy, right? And so it's kind of quiet when he's doing this. And then, you know, Hamilton leans over to maestro Alberto and goes, I think he said something like maestro Culo, like the ass master. And then he says that to Alberto and Alberto, who's just like the baddest jungle wizard battling gunslinging, you know, shaman just starts laughing so hard at the ass master was out there doing his shit Icaro and the barreling laughter that filled Maloka, like it was unbelievable. Then everybody started laughing. I mean, we were on heavy medicine. Some people in some like really difficult stuff, but injecting that humor, I don't know how it was for everybody else's journey, but it just gives you this other perspective that's like, it's going to be alright, it's going to be alright. And I think I really appreciate when, you know. Anything serious like that when you can allow that little bit like, Oh, it's going to be alright. We can laugh about this shit.
BRENT: Yeah, and you can map that to just society in a bigger way. Right. I mean, we need people to be poking fun at the mainstream narrative and different cultural trends as much as possible these days. Cause shit's getting so nuts and some people are really, I think they have like kind of a block toward being able to laugh or poke fun at certain topics and certain things, especially since 2020, but just the way laughter can be injected into those like intimate ceremonial spaces where you would think laughter might be taboo or joking about what's happening might be taboo.
You can joke about what's happening in culture and society today and poke fun at things because nothing is really taboo anymore and nothing should be taboo, especially right now. So that's kind of like a big driving force behind a lot of the topical stuff that you see me do with JP and some of these other kinds of subject matter that I work with.
AUBREY: I think people don't really realize that comedians are shamans. Like full out, like, I mean,
BRENT: I am a shaman. Thank you
AUBREY: I know for real.
BRENT: You know, I've been waiting for somebody
AUBREY: They're like
BRENT: To tell me I'm a shaman.
AUBREY: What does a shaman do? Shaman affects the energy of the collective space that you're in. Comedians are like the best shamans in that regard. Now there's other territories that. It's going to be, you know, when it's not funny, it's not funny. You know, they'll fucking die on stage. Right? Like, there's the other side of that, but that ability to alter the energy of an environment, or if, you know, things are so taboo and heavy, like as soon as the comedians start to make the jokes about it, you know, it lets you know, it's going to be okay and sometimes they'll even be like too soon, you know, they'll put, but they're pushing it and what they're doing is they're pushing to alchemize just the gravity of that energy into something that actually like, all right, we can move on from this.
BRENT: Yeah. And you can poke fun at something to peel off a layer and reveal the truth of it, you know, I give you an example. Like in politics or just how things move and culture today, there's always some big hot button issue that divides people, but there seems to always be an angle you could take toward like, you know, choose your trending topic right now. There's an angle you could take to let both of those sides. No, you don't have to be tribalistic about this thing. You don't have to hate each other because you disagree about this thing. You can just see that there's a middle ground that exists. That can be revealed with comedy and it's okay to disagree and now that's been like a big part of what I've done over the past couple of years, especially with political stuff and different topical content is trying to expand my own viewpoint toward these different things, so that I can find a space in to poke fun at it and hopefully humble it a little bit, you know what I mean.
AUBREY: Yeah totally.
BRENT: Because all these topics are always held up on this grand pedestal of importance whether it's politics, who you should vote for, whatever new thing people are arguing about. And I think we've lost some like this level of awareness has been lost because everybody just is hyper focused on disagreeing on certain things rather than having the awareness that it's okay to disagree about shit. As long as you're not being a dick, you know, so that's where I try to land.
AUBREY: Yeah, and penetrating these areas of sensitivity that ultimately, if you have a part of your body and your fascist bound up and you go get some body work, they're going to push on the spot and if they push and it hurts, then they keep pushing until it releases, right? Like this is the process. And it's almost like the fascia of society can be just bound up and just too tight. And so anytime it's all bound up, if you push on it, it's like the pain response comes out of that. But actually the comedians are there like fucking body workers, pushing on the sensitive spots until there can be a little humor there. And when there's a little humor there at that point, then, you know, you get in on everybody's in on the cosmic joke, which is ultimately like, I think laughter is a big part of creation, you know, we're separate beings, but are also connected to God. Like this whole thing is all wild. And there's a paradox that can only be resolved with laughter. And I think, when you can push on those sensitive areas, you're like moving things back, in my opinion, into this divine accord, which is the divine laughter of God, which is holding the paradox of being completely of matter and completely of the spirit. And that holding that paradox requires you to just fucking laugh.
BRENT: That’s the most Aubrey Marcus shit I've ever heard you say. That was some Aubrey Marcus ass breakdown of comedy, dude. I love that. Because it's true. It's true. Fuck yeah. Society is tight, dude. Society needs to come. Society needs to ejaculate. If society was a body, it would be so, and it's not tight because it's done like conscious tantra work. No, it's tight, because everybody's so frustrated about bullshit. So yeah, you say society needs some body work. I think society needs to be dropped off in a corner.
AUBREY: I agree. That's an orgasm in a different place.
BRENT: Yes and when you release, you release. In laughter, simple chemicals can release.
AUBREY: Laughter is an orgasm of a different spasm.
BRENT: A hundred percent, dude.
AUBREY: So basically if you're. But seriously, though, if everybody is really orgasming, like really like the full on, like, Oh God, that and laughing.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Like imagine if ever, imagine if.
BRENT: I'm definitely doing that at Burning Man.
BRENT: Cum laugh. That's what we call, cum laugh.
AUBREY: C U M laugh.
BRENT: That’s gonna be a smiling face with extra
AUBREY: Yo, bro, your tent, your tent would be lit.
BRENT: Dude, my tent's going to be nuts, dude.
AUBREY: And you know what? People, if you do it.
BRENT: People are going to come. And they're going to laugh. And it's going to be great. It's going to be Brett Pelotent.
AUBREY: Okay. Fucking Burning Man 2024. Year of the Dragon.
BRENT: That could actually happen.
AUBREY: Cum laugh.
BRENT: Oh my god. Year of the Dragon. Cum laugh. Release your inner fire.
BRENT: Awaken your inner fire
AUBREY: That's good thinking.
BRENT: Are you going to go back to Burning Man in the next couple years?
AUBREY: I want to. I want to go this year.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: I think this year’s year.
BRENT: Went last year for my first time.
AUBREY: Did you get stuck in the mud?
BRENT: Nightmare. The only regret I have in life is going to Burning Man. Dude
AUBREY: Bro. I tried to warn you,
BRENT: You did. You know, I saw a video
AUBREY: I put out an instagram post. So I was like,
BRENT: I was like, is this a sign? Usually talks to me through Aubrey. So is this a sign? I was like, nah, I gotta go, stuck in the mud, had sciatica, herniated disc, nightmare, dude. But I can't wait to go back. Very excited to go back.
BRENT: I will go back.
AUBREY: Let's go this year.
BRENT: I'm in, hundred percent.
AUBREY: Alright, fucking in.
BRENT: Yeah. It's a fun scene. The festival scene.
AUBREY: Well, I mean, I've fucking, I mean, hopefully you got at least like one day.
BRENT: One amazing night, day and night.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Cause you got a taste of what it is, but it's always such a wild ass journey. It is like the, it is such a fucking journey.
BRENT: Yeah, yeah. I didn't go to the transformational festival style event until I was 24. So like right after college, but like I said, my mom would bring me to Grateful Dead shows when I was a kid and this is when Jerry was alive. So whatever was floating around in the air probably got into me and that created this.
AUBREY: I think I ran into a cloud of something that someone else said
BRENT: Yeah, hundred percent.
AUBREY: Smoked before I came in here today..
BRENT: Yeah, not me
BRENT: Someone else for sure.
AUBREY: Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, it was second hand.
BRENT: Yeah, second hand, for sure.
AUBREY: Second hand.
BRENT: It was third eyed. Third eye smoke was just floating around in the air. So she brought me to dead shows. And like reggae on the river when I was a kid, like she was a hippie. She was like an eighties hippie. So I kind of had that spiritual sense in me when I was a kid, but I rediscovered it in my early twenties, going to festivals with my good friend, Nate Stein. And we would go to transformational festivals with lightning in a bottle, a couple others small, like gathering style things in Ohio or Encinitas or whatever other places where people wear wide brim hats are named solstice or whatever. Some of the strongest growth I've had as an individual has been because of those festivals.
AUBREY: Bro, there's so many people who already have stripper names. Maybe you can have a “cum laugh tent at Burning Man”.
BRENT: Cum laugh tent.
AUBREY: And then I'll put up a conscious strip club tent. And then if you just call out a name, and here's the thing, you call out a name, and if it's your name, You have to go.
BRENT: You have to go on stage.
AUBREY: Yeah. Yeah. So if you call out like,
BRENT: And coming to the stage onyx on it,
AUBREY: And someone's like, Oh, damn it. They got me. And then fucking
BRENT: But the kickerist they're already ass naked. So there’s nothing to strip. So they just go up and strip all the negativity from their soul.
BRENT: I'm a better person. That's it.
AUBREY: That’s it.
BRENT: A conscious strip club where you strip away the negativity.
BRENT: Yeah. And you're reborn. The word getting money.
AUBREY: Man, Burning Man is going to be fucking
BRENT: Not any money, but
AUBREY: Well, there is no money in Burning Man.
BRENT: We're going to make a lot of heart hugs.
AUBREY: The only currency that matters, bro.
BRENT: Exactly, dude.
BRENT: I'm excited to go back out there.
AUBREY: Yeah, man.
BRENT: Were you big in the festival scene, like, when you were younger? Or did you start going
AUBREY: Man, I remember the first time when I went to a rave and it was in the rodeo that we have here in Texas. And I was with Roger and Juan and Caitlyn and we went in. And it's this, I've been to the Texas rodeo. It's like a fucking rodeo thing, you know? So like, all right, we'll go out through this thing. It was like. Just when i was getting into like molly was starting to come around so we took some molly on the way into this thing and it starts to hit as we're going up walking up and i get in there and just the molly hits and there's this huge, I've never even heard speakers like that. Fucking blew my mind. It was like, and lights are everywhere and I'm fucking high as a kite. And it was like, and everybody's like dancing around and they're all colorful and sexy. And like, what in the actual fuck is this? And like from that moment. You know, even though that was more on the just pure party spectacle side of it, but it's also still like you get in the crowd and you're just pulsing and dancing and there's something that happens again, like a ceremony, like people get so serious about what a ceremony is like if you're on whatever or nothing and your pulse in the middle of a crowd and like a good Skrillex show or whatever it is. And you're really feeling it. Like that's the type of work that people try to do. You know, it's like doing more good, I think, and so much of like the hard work or the, you know, getting into the feelings and crying all about. I think there's always a place for that, but people underestimate and undervalue that ecstatic experience, that the healing that comes from that ecstatic, you know, it's just like all of your cells are just like lit up and fucking singing in your whole body. Even if you have a little hangover the next day, there's something that. That's when you really know it's about the aftertaste like
AUBREY: If the aftertaste is like it's you're in the hangover, but it's like it was worth it. Then you know that there was something that was more than what you experienced because the burning man hangover is gnarly, but you always go like that was fucking worth it
BRENT: It's like you have a hangover, but you also have something extra. You have an extra warmth.
AUBREY: Exactly.
BRENT: That lingers in there. Yeah
AUBREY: I believe, I mean, I really believe in the healing potential of that. I mean, just imagine all the really uptight people, you know, like even, even Trump, like if Trump could actually be at a festival and ecstatic dance for real, you know, like it would just loosen a lot of shit up and he would just be just like a cooler guy.
BRENT: I would love to see Trump do Molly.
AUBREY: Yeah, for sure.
BRENT: I say this on stage I think he would show up at the border of Mexico with no pants on and just be like let him all in. Let him in. I Love Mexicans. Let him in. Dude I think all politicians need psychedelics, I think politicians need psychedelics. I think it would be amazing if it was a requirement for them to do. It would never happen, but how fun would that be if we had a president whose consciousness was expanded because he had experienced to medicine like that
AUBREY: Well, this is in a proper functioning, I think, culture, like take the movie Avatar. For example, there's the chief who would represent the executive branch. And then there's the medicine woman shaman, the wife. I don't forget what they called him in Avatar, but whatever. But this is the model, right? It's like, the father, which is the military arm and the executive branch and the judiciary. And then there's the mother, which represents the medicine and like the will of the people. So I think there, you know, really, if our culture and society was functioning in the right way, we would have a, something representing the church mother, medicine, magic, that was being, you know, in balance with the other side, which is law, you know, the executive, whatever we have to do from that side. So actually that would be how it would make sense. It would be like some kind of like, instead of all the capital R religions that we have now, it was all about genuine connection to God. And just as a hypothetical world, but everybody believed in a while, like an avatar, it's like a while the force of life, like we're all in on this. We're all kind of on board and there were sacraments that a while would do, then there would be a whole initiatic. Process for the leaders that would come, right. And that would be part of the qualification, go through the initiatic processes of this side to make sure that you're fit to lead the country, just like you would be fit to lead a tribe. You can't be the chief of a tribe if you haven't gone through the initiations of the tribe and the tribe, like weaving this kind of a broader sense of a new, you know, kind of universal culture of medicine and magic, you know, really like whatever you want to call it, that religion of the finding all the threads, even if you worship and all the different ways you get there, but we have enough common threads and we have sacraments that are actually real. And then we have this coherence in that then. Yeah, like, obviously, I don't think you were talking about this seriously,
BRENT: No, but that would be
AUBREY: That would be the thing
BRENT: The playbook looked like.
BRENT: And then in this society that we live in where that's literally impossible. What is possible is for people to have those experience in on an individual level and start to seed their own community with some of these thoughts and ideas, which I've seen in a really cool way when, you know, somebody has the initiative to discover what plant medicines are or like go to an ecstatic dance for the first time and really feel what it's like to move and shake around or just stretch in the corner, which is what I always do or like whatever somebody does to to really push themselves to get outside of their comfort zone to create some type of new connection with themselves spiritually with the greater consciousness of us spiritually that can reflect onto people in their community and just on a small scale we can start to change culture that way. That's the way I see it being possible practically.
BRENT: Because it would be great to have somebody leading the charge and the whole spiritual playbook that you just laid out. That'd be amazing. But in what we've created as a society there, it's really hard for people to even give themselves the ability to evolve beyond the structure that we've created. Get the degree, get the job. You know, there's so many people that have no interest in an ecstatic dance or burning man or learning about different medicines. And what?
AUBREY: Yeah, the thing is, if they just had a taste of it,
BRENT: Right. That’s right.
AUBREY: They get it. The one really fucking incredible and interesting thing is I'm going to be sitting in a sweat Lodge with Bobby Kennedy in March 16th. There's an event that we have and
BRENT: That’s my birthday
AUBREY: No shit.
AUBREY: Yeah. All right. So we're going to be sitting in the Lodge with Bobby Kennedy and he's going to be pouring the lodge. It's going to be this like fucking epic situation, and then, you know, there'll be people there in the lodge, but we'll actually go through an initiation, which with who I believe will be the president of this country and we'll hear his prayers and see what comes. So there's something that will be known and experienced by everybody in the lodge. And I feel like I know him well enough where I see all of that anyways. But for other people, I was just thinking like, what an unbelievable fucking opportunity to be able to sit in a sweat lodge with, you know, with your president.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Like that's an environment of like radical vulnerability. You learn so much about yourself and others in the sweat, how you respond. What are the prayers that come out? Like, what are the emotions that come out? What are you praying for? Like you feel everything in there. It's black and it's hot. And it's, you know, when it's done in the way like Prangi's lineage is the Leonard Crow dog lineage. And it's done in this sacred way. And it's. Like, fuck, man. It's a whole different perspective on what a leader could be.
BRENT: Can you imagine if Trump or Biden did a sweat lodge?
AUBREY: Yeah, I mean, that's what I'm
BRENT: Biden would evaporate. And Trump would, like, literally turn into fire. He'd already, like, got the color. But that's amazing.
AUBREY: I think Trump could do it. He could just fucking, or just play it. Super cool. Be like, well, it wasn't even hot in here. You know, like
BRENT: The worst sweat lodge I've ever seen. It's the worst. He's wearing a suit.
AUBREY: He's like, they think this is hot, fake news,
AUBREY: Fake news, not hot.
BRENT: That's dope. That Bobby's going to do the sweat lodge. On that day, I will take a scorching hot shower so that energy, um, that's really cool, dude. Yeah. I think people, I've tried so many new things over the years that I was so scared about. And there's something like facing a fear on the micro that helps you approach bigger challenging things in the macro like I'm scared of jumping off of high surfaces, like into water, you know, I've never jumped more than like five feet off a cliff.
AUBREY: Well, I saw that weakness in you. I just didn't know.
BRENT: Yeah, that’s what it is.
AUBREY: I didn't know what it was. Yeah.
BRENT: You could see it in my eyes. Right?
AUBREY: Well, everywhere, actually.
BRENT: Oh, okay.
AUBREY: Yeah. I saw
BRENT: You saw like, Oh Brent, weak or just weak.
AUBREY: I saw that. I saw just a line of cowardice.
AUBREY: It's just a huge line of cowardice in your aura.
BRENT: How long was the line? It was a pretty long line?
AUBREY: It was a long line. Yeah. Yeah. You went, it was really lon,
BRENT: It's a lineage actually. I get weakness passed down.
AUBREY: Yeah. But now I know.
BRENT: Yeah, so I faced the fear. And I'm a strong man now. I'm a strong man.
BRENT: No, now I am
AUBREY: Your aura didn't change when you said that.
BRENT: You got some fluoride up there, so I don't know if you've been brushing with Crest lately or what. But I jumped off a bridge with my boy JP last year.
AUBREY: You did it!
BRENT: I did. I jumped off a bridge.
AUBREY: Oh, look, there it went.
BRENT: See? Thank you.
BRENT: And it like, so
AUBREY: I was just looking at, I was looking at the past aura timeline in the atemporal dimension that I was seeing it was previous, but now actually I'm seeing in the present.
BRENT: Well, you know, the atemporal lineage was first executed by the Rosicrucians in 13724 Tibet. It's actually the Knights Templar with the Masonic Lodges who knew the Anunnaki when they first came to be present when they worshiped the Ancient Wisdom Wizards of the West. That's the next men's league basketball team. Ancient Wisdom Wizards of the West. That's it. All right. Back to what I was saying. Bobby doing the thing. What the fuck? Oh, people doing shit that makes you scared.
BRENT: Doing shit that makes you scared. Or doing things that are uncomfortable and weird and way outside your comfort zone like the first time I did a combo. I was like you're gonna burn my skin and put frog juice on the burn and I kind of like I followed the facilitator and the guidance and I had a really crazy experience. I really liked it. I enjoyed the after part of it, and doing things like that.
AUBREY: And for people who don't know, you know, combo or cambo is a South American medicine that they use both for clarity and hunting and also for its purgative processes for us. Typically, it's like a deep cleansing purge and they actually burn your skin and then they put the harvested venom from this particular combo frog, and not the toad, the toad is 5m DMT. This is the frog, so it's frog or toad. This is a frog, and it's the combo, and they put it in. It's fucking mad intense.
BRENT: Super intense, dude.
AUBREY: The first time I did it almost fucking killed me.
BRENT: Really?
AUBREY: Because they gave me too much.
BRENT: How many dots?
BRENT: What?
AUBREY: Nine dots on my arm the first time. No, fuck bro. It was 11. Of course.
BRENT: Energetic. That's much better.
AUBREY: It was 11. Yeah. Fuck. And. It was nuts. And my whole face swole up. Like full anaphylactic shock. My trachea started to shut down. Right. So I was like sipping air through a straw and then we're in the middle of a fucking field and fucking Topanga, but like hike deep in like the Topanga. So it wasn't like I was in like some place, but it's still been a fucked up situation because someone would had to like carry me out. And it's not like amulets go run and get me. We haven't had this dude, Donald Schultz, who is a field emergency veterinarian from South Africa, bad motherfucker, right? Like handles all kinds of shit. Like a rhino horn is stuck in an elephant's ass or whatever. He's like fucking there. So he had his knife that he always carries with him as a fucking wild, you know, field veterinarian type of person would do. And he's like, just comes down next to me, you know, and he's on combo too. So he’s just purging and like, still threw up, but he looks at me calmly and he's like, don't worry, mate. You know, like, I don't think that's a South African accent, but whatever he says, it'll be a little Australian. Don't worry, mate. You know, like I got you, I got my knife. And if I need to, I'll just cut a little line in your throat. And you'll be able to breathe through that until we can get you, you know, get you a pin or whatever. And I was like, whoa, this was fucking intense. But he was holding me there and at the time it was like, all right, at least I'm not going to die.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: You know, so like, I'm not going to die from this. But that was a gnarly fucking experience. Now, subsequently, I've done it other times and had just a beautiful experience, six points instead of 11 and just like the most, the cleanest, most beautiful purge ever.
BRENT: Yeah, I did. I had three. So going back to the week or I'm sure, but it was super uncomfortable. It was way foreign. I had never done anything like that at the time, but it helped. It was an event that helped continue to push me down this path of wanting to learn about alternative medicines.
BRENT: Alternative like experiences that I could have to better myself mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. And I think there's a big hesitancy in a lot of people to do that. But the benefits that come from facing little discomforts like that, they're unpredictable benefits like that, because it's just having that experience that continued to push me down this path of wanting to learn more, open the door for me to learn about other medicines and experience other medicines that I now work with a little bit more frequently, or have some semblance of understanding of. And I just think if people face their discomfort a little more, they’ll be more comfortable with their shits.
AUBREY: Fuck yeah, I mean, it's the shit. That's what all these initiations, all the tribal initiations have been. It's like an ordeal, face an ordeal, you know? So there's a semi famous one where to be a full member of the tribe, you have to stick your hand in like this basically woven basket kitchen mitt looking thing with all the bullet ants that were sewn in. So, bullet ants are like one of the most painful bites I haven't been bit by one, but on the bite pain radar. Like there's a whole scale actually of like bite pain, but anyways, it's high up there and it bites you all over your fucking hand. And you just have to hold your hand in there as ants are just, and the thing is you can't pull it out. Like the tribe wants to see that you can stick your hand in there, hold it in there. And then that means that you're trustable. And so everybody.
BRENT: Did you make Aaron Rodgers do that when you guys first met?
AUBREY: Oh yeah, of course. I have a woven, but that's the doorbell to my house. You have to reach through the oven made of bullet ants to even ring the door.
BRENT: Proof that you can trust them before they become your house guest.
AUBREY: Yeah. You can't be a little bitch and come in the house, you know, like. That's why I made you walk around back, bro. Yeah, because I saw that weak or,
BRENT: No way
AUBREY: Yeah, so I was like, don't worry, bro, you're my friend. You don't have to ring the doorbell. Like, like, like most of the people I have over, you can go around the back.
BRENT: Yeah. Don't do it to Aaron. He's suffered enough. We need him back on the field.
AUBREY: Yeah, a fucking ordeal. So the point of that. There's no health benefits to bullet ant bites. The point of that is that it's an ordeal. And so many of these things have, what we're talking about is not doing that, that's just ordeal and ordeal has value doing hard shit. Difficult shit has value, but why not do something in combination, like a really hard workout? All right. That's an ordeal. That's something that's really hard and it has value. You just worked out really hard and your whole metabolic, physical anatomic strength is going to go up great. Ayahuasca or Iboga, really hard, you know, and so there's part of it that's an ordeal, but then there's so much illumination in medicine and so much cleansing that comes on the other side. And that doesn't mean this is for everybody. Don't everybody say, I'm hard. Let me go do all this medicine. No, take it very, like, you know, take your time. I always want to say that, like, this is not a recommendation to do it, but finding some ordeal and then doing that hard shit.
BRENT: Yeah. And even on the scale, do the cold plunge for two minutes.
AUBREY: Yeah, exactly.
BRENT: Cold shower in the morning. It's all the things that Andrew Huberman says pretty much, it's like doing something challenging to open up a new space in your life. Like when I started doing cold plunges often. And I got through like that first pain it opened, I just felt like space opened up. Like I had extra spaciousness 'cause I had overcome this thing that was hard at first and now I know that, oh, I can do shit like, and that's just on a small scale, like
AUBREY: I feel you're like a hands and toes out of the cold plunge guy.
BRENT: Oh my God, I do not put my toes in the cold plunge.
AUBREY: Yeah, I could sense it in your aura.
BRENT: I keep my fingertips, my toes and the tip of my penis outside of the cold plunge people walk by like, yo, are you just like up on the edge
AUBREY: I mean, the word is even shrunken in a cold plunge.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: You're five inches.
BRENT: Yeah, it doesn't grow or shrink. It's just always that
AUBREY: It’s just
BRENT: Guys welcome back to Aubrey Marcus podcast. Today we're talking about Brent Pellis penis.
AUBREY: He's got a five incher in the cold.
BRENT: Solid five.
AUBREY: Bro, that could be 15
BRENT: It could be
AUBREY: When I thought when that thing thawed out, got hot. Fifteen.
BRENT: A couple of hours.
AUBREY: At least, you can just watch it. It's a funny thing with like, I spent some good time with Wim Hof and you know, after you go and do some ridiculous cold thing, you know, you warm up and he just starts doing this like, I'm doing this kind of Qi Gong little Wim Hof wild animal Qi Gong and you warm up, but I'm just like, you did that, bro. Just warming up. People would see you go from 5 to 15. Like
BRENT: Yeah. Fast. Record speed. Yeah.
AUBREY: Yeah. Damn.
BRENT: Yeah. Dude,
AUBREY: 5 to 15 should be like your, you know, that should be your tag when you're on snapchat
BRENT: I speak about my Instagram.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: 5 to 15.
BRENT: 5 to 15. They're like, what does that mean? Well, subscribe to his only fan and you'll find out quick.
AUBREY: That's just the thing. It's from cold plunge to full erection who could go faster. That would actually
BRENT: You make a lot of money if that was your talent. If that was your skill
AUBREY: If you launch the contest, sometimes I just wanna do ridiculous things. Like what if there was a contest where everybody had to go? How long it took to go from cold plunge retracted to full boner.
BRENT: Fully wrecked.
AUBREY: Yeah. To like touching back to your belly button. Like, not like a semi, but like full uhhuh.
BRENT: You should, um
AUBREY: And whoever won that on the timer.
BRENT: Yeah, incorporate this into the next fit for service summit. Have this be like fit for service. Like, are you, what is it? Financially fit, physically fit, penis fully fit, dickly fit. However you want to frame it. And then just have all the men line up
AUBREY: And then just test them.
BRENT: Yeah. And just test them.
AUBREY: This is the next initiation
BRENT: And just have the women sit. Staring, no expression, just staring.
AUBREY: What if you get a heckler, like that thing's never going to grow. He's just like,
BRENT: That’s me, that’s my stuff
AUBREY: Yeah, you have like hecklers in the crowd. That'd be a good competition.
BRENT: Uh huh. Yeah.
AUBREY: Yeah. That'd be a tough one.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: I don't think I would win that one.
BRENT: I would lose.
AUBREY: I don't think I would know. But I want to know, there's somebody
BRENT: And be like, Brent, come on. It's been three hours. I'm being like, this is the best you're going to get. This is the best you're going to get.
AUBREY: There's somebody out here, they're out there listening right now. It's like, yeah, I could do that shit
BRENT: Let me drop a blueprint. I pitched for all this. Yeah. I'm going to have this business. Yeah, dude. How many businesses do you have? I feel like you have like 27 businesses.
AUBREY: Yeah, I got a lot. Well, a lot is coming out.
BRENT: Do you need an owner?
AUBREY: A lot is coming out.
BRENT: I got 8 things.
AUBREY: Yeah, Cum Laugh LLC.
BRENT: Cume Laugh is one of them for sure.
AUBREY: For sure.
BRENT: Yeah. Sacred Strip City or whatever we're going to call it.
AUBREY: Yeah. Sacred Stripping.
BRENT: Sacred Stripping. Do you, let me ask you this bro, do you take on new projects and businesses because you can't keep still, type of thing. Like, have you ever found yourself just kind of like taking a breath and looking out at all the things you do and thinking, okay, let me just keep pushing what I've got, or is there always a sense of, I wonder what else I can bring into this universe I'm creating. You know
AUBREY: That's a deep question, and it's actually like something I've been contemplating a lot. So I think there's this feeling of momentum, and I always recognize that I want to capitalize on momentum. I think you feel that as an athlete, things are going your way, like you want to capitalize on the momentum. And I think, I've had this sense of having momentum and I always want to capitalize on that momentum. So I've been in on this idea, you know, cause really what should have happened after I sold it is I should have really relaxed for a minute.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Like not. Put all my money into all these different things and all these different projects and just chilled for a little bit, but instead I was like, now I have all of this like firepower and all this momentum from the resource side accumulated. So then it put even more pressure on me. So it didn't have the result of what it should have had. And like with wisdom now I'm starting to realize this idea of constantly creating more and more things. And I mean, I'm so blessed that I have the ability to conceive and create things that I see. And some of them, you know, really resonate with people, some of them don't, but I have this really kind of creative, generative kind of spirit that can see and create and manage and lead and do all the things that I need to do. But I really have to check that impulse because sometimes it gets so wide and like so much stuff going on that I just don't have enough energy to apply to each of these things. So it puts me in a challenging spot and, and I find myself in that spot a lot. But then the hard part is I look at all the different individual things and like, I love that thing. I love that thing. So then I started asking myself, well, how do you generate more energetic resources? You know, how can I like really get laser focused on cutting out the bullshit time I would spend doing this or that and just really have like a more disciplined regimen and that's the spot I'm in now is like, I'm not going to create anything new now, you know, other than the projects that we have. So writing a book, you know, fit for service, which I love, that's what nourishes my spirit. And then, you know, so many other different business related projects and then helping out the Kennedy campaign, however I can, whatever, all of these different things, but really just trying to figure out like, all right, how do I get more discipline in my life? Cause I'd have good habits, but shitty discipline, you know, it's like I do a lot of the right things, but I do them all at different times and randomly, like, you know, I've done a thousand cold plunges, but I don't have like a regimen, you know, it's like, I've done all the things, but having like really like regimenting it. So like all the stuff I wrote about and own the day, I do all of that shit, but I don't follow the own the day, like structure, you know, and like some more structure in my life would be fucking helpful.
BRENT: It'll make you more efficient too.
BRENT: It's probably the biggest thing that structure brings.
BRENT: At least for me, when I structure out my day, even on a smaller scale, if I structure out my day, hour by hour, I end up getting all my shit done. But if I just go into the day knowing that I have a lot of shit. I'll end up messing around on Instagram or social media or doing like an hour of writing in 10 minute spurts throughout the day where I'm kind of half assing it, but structure always brings efficiency for me. And it's, I remember talking to you when we were in Denver and we were talking about the amount of self doubt that can seep in when you have bigger projects and you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Do you know this conversation? Do you feel like the more, this is me interviewing you now, by the way,
AUBREY: That's good
BRENT: Brent Pella Podcast
AUBREY: Yeah, cuz I walked through that secondhand smoke cloud. So yeah.
BRENT: Yeah. Yeah,
AUBREY: Just let it happen. Yeah
BRENT: People don’t hear from you enough on podcasts so, Do you feel like, do you compete with yourself a lot? Because you're competitive, we both played sports growing up.
AUBREY: Right.
BRENT: Do you find yourself in each of these different things, like, do you compare yourself to other similar businesses or people, is that kind of what drives you forward with all the different projects that you have, or do you kind of compare yourself to yourself?
AUBREY: Well, there's the healthy aspects and then there's the unhealthy aspects. So the unhealthy aspects are comparing myself to somebody else, right? So comparison, there's a difference between comparison and competition. Competition is like, you know, how you said that we were both athletes growing up, you know, and I still am, and you're not yet.
BRENT: I am yet. Yeah.
AUBREY: So that's,
BRENT: I dropped 10 points last night, I’ll have you know
AUBREY: Let's go. So that's competition. That's shit talking. That's the healthy part, right? Like it's us balling and competing and playing. It's like an actual competition. Comparison, that's the fucked up part that would be me, like looking at somebody else's Instagram, following me and like watching how fast it's growing. Look at somebody's YouTube page, watch how fast it is growing, comparing it to my own page, to my own performance and then getting really down on myself. And so really so much of actually what I try to pay attention to is to move any comparison just to competition is, if I can move the comparison, which gets me really down on myself. And then it's like, Aubrey, you suck like you're not doing it. They're doing it so much better than you. And there's a really strong voice like that. But it's like if I switch that over.. And then be like the coach is the aspect of the psyche called the coach and if the internal coach that voice we have in our heads it's going like fucking compete bro. Like I believe in you, I know you, remember who you are, you got this. Get out there kick ass. All right, this is the situation. You want to be better, go fucking do it, put in the work. And as soon as I get into that competitive frame in my own mind where my own coach in my head is just telling me to compete with myself and with other people, but not compare and say like, Oh, I was doing better them, or this person's bought, the comparison is where it gets fucked up, but the competition in that way of like, all right, good job, bring your best. Like nobody wants, when we're out playing ball, nobody wants somebody to be like bringing their worst game. Like we all want somebody to be fucking on fire. Like we want them to be killing it because we want that challenge
BRENT: Forces you to raise to the occasion
AUBREY: Right. That’s what we're actually fucking driving for. So flipping it over into competition, that's like the key thing for me
BRENT: Yeah. I've tried over the years to focus on the thought of
AUBREY: Don't compare yourself when you used to be an athlete to now, that's what God was saying.
BRENT: When I do, I compare myself to you. And then I'm like, Oh, I'm a court, bank accounts, a different story, but on the court. Dude, my biggest challenge has been self judgment.
AUBREY: Yeah, ofcourse.
BRENT: And when in the entrepreneurial life, like trying to create an independent career of, I've always toed the line and I'm trying to be better at this between like, constructive competition with myself and who I was yesterday versus toxic self judgment. That's been kind of the line. Cause growing up playing basketball, playing sports, idolizing Kobe, getting to work with him at his camp and like seeing how people around him would rise to the challenge of whatever is happening when he was around at that camp. And some other things that I've experienced have given me a really strong sense of competition with myself, but it's really easy to fall from that into a space of judgment and negativity that isn't constructive at all. So I've tried and
AUBREY: Yeah, that just sucks. It sucks the energy away from you actually doing something. So
AUBREY: I call this force the anti you. So the anti you, there's a force inside of us. Steven Pressfield calls it resistance. Stutz, you know, the great psychiatrist that was in the Jonah Hill documentary calls it part X, the Toltec masters, Don Miguel Ruiz called it the parasite or the predator, you know, in certain interpretations of the Bible this could be Satan or Hasatan, the opponent, the adversary, like it's in all of these things. And it's in us too. It's like the adversary, the deceiver usually is whispering lies into us or trying to get us what Steven Pressfield would call in resistance. You know, he was one of the first people to really talk about this force in the creative act, but resistance through the faculty of that coach, which can talk to you, we'll star talking like really demoralizing you and the purpose of that is to try and keep you from growing, shining and delivering your art. And so actually like the strategy, you know, that I'm writing about is exactly that. It's like how you switch that voice to, from that comparison and that derogative voice to that encouraging competitive voice, like get in there, compete. You got
BRENT: Yeah, it’s the story that you tell yourself.
AUBREY: Yeah, exactly. And also just competing with that self sabotaging voice that comes in and saying like, no. And that's why Steven Pressfield, calling it resistance and externalizing it, allows it, even though it's an internal thing, if you give it a name, then you can compete against it. Like you're not going to, you know, people joke around, not today, Satan. It's the same thing. It's like, not today anti you. Like anti you, you're not going to fuck me up today. You're not going to talk shit about me today to me. You know, you're not going to demoralize me. I'm going to go, be my best. And so you start to compete even with those negative voices and those judgmental things that are coming in.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: But it's hard because that negative voice will be using real data that will use everything against you. Right. It'll use like,
BRENT: It'll use all your shortcomings and failures.
AUBREY: It knows you
BRENT: Really easy to give in. And it's almost like it's when you, in my experience, when I've fallen into the trap of self sabotage and started catastrophizing things like, Oh, I don't have this thing. Oh, I'm not as far as I wanted to be with this thing. Oh, that guy's got this. Why don't I have that? And then the Act of catastrophizing and only focusing on the negative. It almost is like super comfortable because everything is someone else's fault in that when I've been in that space, it's like, oh, I don't have this thing because that person is stupid or like this, I don't have that, or I'm not at this point because this person got it, but nobody likes that person.
So whatever. And it's just like, it's a constant work that I do on myself to not fall into that trap because I know how comfortable it is there. Because I don't have to do shit when I'm catastrophizing everything.
BRENT: You don't have to do you, you're free of all responsibility.
BRENT: You're free. You don't have to do anything.
AUBREY: It's not my fault.
BRENT: Yes, It's not your fault, the world is fuck, nothing you can do.
AUBREY: That's the appeal of the victim mentality. The appeal of victim mentality is you become exculpable, which means that you have no guilt that you can take upon yourself. If you're a victim, it's not my fault. So there's another aspect. So there's the anti you aspect. And then there's the self, what I call what's, and this is from, Richard Schwartz, Dr. Schwartz, who is the founder of internal family systems. He just calls it the self. The Greeks called it the daemon. But it's this idea, I call it just your potential, like the simplest way to look at it, this is your potential and your potential is whispering to you also what is possible, right? Like this is possible for you, bro. Like this is possible because it's like calling you forward to like what actually you're capable of, and then that's opposed by this other force that's trying to keep you and competing against your potential to keep you from reaching your potential. But when you realize that the competition is necessary and you actually start competing, that's what actually gets you into your potential
BRENT: Yep, and it's a challenge similar to just forcing yourself to do the cold plunge. Tell yourself a different story. That's the way that I've approached it.
BRENT: Cause I got caught in that trap. Or I did a lot more years ago, but I'm still working on, like, trying to be better.
AUBREY: We're all still working on it, man. I was, you know, again, like, I should have just chilled when I sold the company and got, I made some really bad decisions, you know, in investing. Cause I wasn't, you know, my father was a commodities trader, but you know, like that's a different ball game. I didn't really know much about it. Like the investment, I'm not an investor. I'm mad props to people who are really good investors. I'm just, that's not my thing. I was like, you know, I built on it and I let it, and I understood communication and a lot of things. And I conceptually understood enough that I started making investments, but made some bad ones as a tough time in the market, but whatever, like I made some bad choices and I was just on a call before we even came to this podcast and just kind of talking to the fund that I invested in dad has been, you know, disastrous over the last two years. And just like really thinking about the past mistake that I did like, man,
BRENT: Are you happy that you made that mistake, though?
AUBREY: That fucking so stupid
BRENT: Like, is there a part of you that's like,
AUBREY: I'm not there yet.
BRENT: You're not there. Okay.
AUBREY: You know, but you're pointing to that. You're pointing to the way out. Right. Which is like,
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: But it's hard when it's like, I get really hard on myself, you know, I'm like, I get really hard on myself. Like, why the fuck did you do that, bro?
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: You know, and that's the tough part. And then that's also part of the anti you. Cause that's kind of making me feel worse. Whereas the other side myself is like, All right, there's something you needed to learn from this. What can you learn from this?
What's the lesson that you can learn that you can apply into your life that’s going to make you stronger and make you better. And like you're here where you are right now and, you know, count every single one of your blessings. Cause you're so fucking blessed, Aubrey Marcus, like you're doing your goddamn best and you're going to continue to do your best and like start applying that language, then I start to rise. Whereas if I allow the other language to keep coming in, which I still battle with, that simple awareness is what is needed to just start shifting that into another frame.
BRENT: And you're probably gonna battle with that for the rest of your life because everybody does
BRENT: Nobody gets, however old you are and then the rest of their life is perfect with no fuck ups
BRENT: Everybody should be fucking up their entire life and continuing to learn and some people just think that like. I feel like people are too comfortable these days and people take risks less and less. And either get stuck on a fuck up the way that you're describing, even though you're moving out of it. But everybody's trying to figure shit out. Nobody ever has it figured out.
AUBREY: And it's always an ongoing journey of evolution. We're here to fucking evolve.
BRENT: We're here to evolve. And also people, I mean, this is why I kind of love doing comedy in the spiritual space because people understand this more than like most. No one's got it figured out. Everybody's gonna be dead that you know within a hundred years, within a thousand years, none of y'all and none of us are gonna be remembered. So worry about the fuck ups less and enjoy the ecstatic moments more and seek ecstatic moments more.
BRENT: You know but people get so tight in their present moment of struggle or conflict or argument or tribalism or whatever the fucking thi is that they're experiencing in a moment, that I think people lose sight of that like bigger picture, you know? So that's part of the reason why I love doing what I do. So you get to kind of take aim at all that
AUBREY: Yeah. And then there are some things that, you know, it's like, you can't quite get to the humor part of it yet, you know, like some aspects where you feel like, man, this is just a fight at this point.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: And we'll laugh about the fight. Later.
BRENT: For sure.
AUBREY: You know what I mean?
BRENT: Sometimes it's a fight, for sure.
AUBREY: Sometimes it's like, this is for serious.
BRENT: But know that there's another side.
AUBREY: There's another.
BRENT: No, have it in your brain that while this is extremely tough, whatever the fight is that you're experiencing, there is another side. And just knowing that can lift a little bit of weight has for me
AUBREY: Yeah. Cause if anytime you adopt the fully cosmic perspective, you'll see the paradox of, as soon as you understand you're an unborn undying eternal soul in the process of evolution, you know, right? Like you understand that then anything that happens in this short life, it's like, as you know, our own first nations, people said, like a firefly buzzing and then going out like that's our lives in comparison to the Grand scope of all the lifetimes that we're in. Right. So there's always a place where you can apply a certain perspective and still find your way to the cosmic giggle of it all. And so just to remember that there is some brutal fucking things, but there's, you know, some highest perspective that still can be like, Wow, The paradox. But it's fucking hard because like painful shit, terrible shit happens. And it's like, so that's the balance, cause it's so real. And it's so bad. And it's so terrible. And you got to feel that too. And cry those real tears. Like, and really feel it. Cause that honors what actually is. You're not bypassing it.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Like, and is a way you can spiritually bypass just to laugh at everything. Like people laughing at either COVID deaths or vaccine deaths or whatever, people laughing at either side of it. It's like there's no laughter here in this dimension. Like this is all sad. And also we need to laugh from the other dimensions too, so that we can even cope with this, even deal with it. But also we got to feel it too. So it's like, you get to feel what's real and then also be able to, you know, move through that, and eventually get to the place where you can laugh about it.
BRENT: Yeah, that's a very inter dimensional perspective that you just shared. Yeah. Dude are aliens inter dimensional? What do you think of this? I know that's like, not the question, but the real question is, Where the fuck they at, dude? And where are we going to see him? I know, you know
AUBREY: Yeah, I've had some alien experience.
BRENT: I know you have.
AUBREY: I was kind of interdimensionally abducted.
BRENT: Yeah. Have you already told that story?
AUBREY: I told it on Jake Paul's podcast. I don't think I've told that on our podcast. Have I? No, I don't think I told it. I'll tell this, I'll tell this story.
BRENT: Send it.
AUBREY: I'm going to light up a cigar. We're going to tell this story the proper way because I've never told this story
BRENT: Oh, fuck yeah. Okay, cool.
AUBREY: On my podcast about my abduction.
BRENT: By aliens, not by
AUBREY: What else abducts?
BRENT: I don't know, dude, whoever's trying to traffic Aubrey Marcus.
AUBREY: Alright, so, cigar's lit. I'm gonna tell this story.
BRENT: Cigars lit. Brent is lit. We're ready.
AUBREY: Yeah, we're ready to tell this story. So basically to understand the context of this story, you have to understand I've been a psychonaut for 25 years. Right. So my first journey was when I was 18. So 25 years. And in that process, I've encountered a lot of different beings. As you do all the paintings, you know, you look like Pablo Amaringo is famous, I think that's his name, famous ayahuasca painter. And he's always painting these beings. Technically called therianthropes, but they were like a crocodile head and a human body and like all of these beings, you encounter beings in the astral world. Right? So you could call those aliens. Those are interdimensional beings, and they speak to you and communicate with you in ways that are clear and you can feel it, not you, not the identity that you are, you know, they're a different being, just like I'm talking to you. You're not me. You're a different being. So you get used to these different beings that you encounter. So that could be considered one type of contact with aliens, right? They're different beings. That's happened a bunch. This particular journey was different. And why I call it an abduction is typically those beings just say shit to me, or maybe they push some healing energy or like remove some like toxic fucking energy. They've done all kinds of different things like that. Mostly healing beings. Like heal some aspect of my body, either little tiny Dr. Citos, they're called little doc, like
BRENT: Tiny little doctors.
AUBREY: Tiny little doctors, yeah.
BRENT: Mites in a lab.
AUBREY:Yeah, exactly. And they're coming in and doing work. And sometimes it's like a hummingbird, like pouring nectar in my heart, or sometimes it's like a butterfly, like somehow, whatever it can be, if a Jaguar eating something out of me, or it can be sometimes negative beings and whatever, there's fucking beings. So I'm used to beings. The abduction was wild though, because I was in one of my ketamine cannabis ceremonies and I'm moving through and it really feels like a trans dimension, like interdimensional space, right? Like that particular combination sends me to this other dimensional space. And then I get pulled from where I was, where I was tracking consciously my journey through the astral interdimensional realms. I get pulled out and then I'm in this place where I'm like, feel completely frozen, like absolutely frozen and like just stuck in this place. And then I, these other beings, these alien beings come in. And it was like, I could feel myself unable to move, unable to do anything. They weren't crystal clear in appearance, but I could kind of see them and then like to feel their presence and hear their voice. And they were like, this is what an abduction feels like. And they're like, don't worry, we're benevolent beings, but we wanted to show you. And we wanted to show you the way out. Right. And so basically like there was, Like this, I was in this place and I was completely frozen and kind of confused and bewildered. Like there's nothing I could do. And then they're like, all right, like once you're here, if you find yourself abducted, then they like kind of guided me through this process by which I could unabduct myself, like regain, like agency over my own consciousness that was kind of stuck in this little box and then find my way dissolve through the box, like go back to the source point, dissolve through the box and then go back to my physical location where I'm at, so it's like dissolve everything and dissolve where you are into the everything so move up to the ninth dimension or whatever the dimension of everything. And then co-locate, we use that word today joking around, co-locate yourself in your physical dimension and you make that link. And then you'll find your way wherever you are sorted through. So it was like this strategy to deal with a potential abduction experience. If I didn't like what was happening. So that's my fucking abduction story. It was like a benevolent dude.
BRENT: Yeah. You got guided.
AUBREY: I got guided.
BRENT: You got a lesson. Wow, that's fucking nuts. That was a ketamine cannabis ceremony? I would not expect that to happen with a ketamine and cannabis ceremony.
AUBREY: They're like the, they're
BRENT: That really gets you deep, huh?
AUBREY: That gets so, so deep.
BRENT: I've only done it that one time. That's wild. Did you, was there a visual element to them or was it more energetic communication.
AUBREY: No, I remember there were like three of them and they kind of spoke telepathically in unison. And I remember, they were located in, it's funny cause I remember them like I'm in the center of a globe and like where things are appearing in my vision space. So they were in the top left cause you can't actually turn and look at anything in there. That's also what's interesting. Like if you're in a journey
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: You can't look to face somebody in the eye. You can't shift your point of perspective. You don't have eyes. So wherever they're appearing, if they appear in the upper left corner, you can't look at them and then they're in the center of your vision space.
BRENT: Oh, I see.
AUBREY: As soon as you move your head, they just move with you.
BRENT: They also move. Yeah.
AUBREY: Right. So like that's one lesson from psychotic journeys.
BRENT: That's trippy,
AUBREY: You can't look at anything.
BRENT: That's super trippy, dude. Damn. Yeah, I hope they're all benevolent, but I know some of them might not be. I don't know the rich details of interdimensional entities, but I've heard enough stories from people who I know and trust, because they put their hand in the oven mitt full of ants. But I have a lot of friends and a lot of people I'm close to in my life who have shared, you know, similar but adjacent stories of interactions with different entities of different dimensions or sources. I'm a full believer. I've never had an experience like that. I saw something crazy once and it was a shooting star. You know, I've never had an up close interaction like that. But it's wild and
AUBREY: It changes your perspective
BRENT: It changes your perspective.
AUBREY: On how you look at the whole cosmos.
BRENT: Yeah. It'll put you in your place real quick, which
AUBREY: So back to your first question.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: What about like those types of aliens for I've fully believe
BRENT: 100 percent
AUBREY: 100 percent, because I've experienced them, you know, I've experienced them multiple occasions.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: So, but then are there the physical ones that like actually crash and make a divot in the sand and could get autopsied? And
BRENT: I've read this post on Reddit, which is the most trustworthy news source that I have in my life right now. This dude posted on Reddit, this like thousands of words post about his time as a researcher in this underground secret compartmentalized government lab. And it was so well written and on point. I looked through the comments and people were like, this guy either did all this stuff. And is a former researcher. And this is what his experience was with physical alien bodies, or he took 10 years of college to be able to know how to communicate these things. You know what I mean? Like it was so well communicated, that the Occam's razor would put you on. Okay. It's gotta be true. It has to be true. And he was breaking down their biology. He was breaking down their cellular structure, their digestive system. He called them EBOs, exo biospheric organisms, and his conclusion was that they were genetically engineered to be kind of like worker bees and doesn't know where they're genetically engineered, maybe on earth, maybe off of earth. But the goal, he said that he and a couple other people in his research team had come to the conclusion that the most likely goal is that these EBOs, exo biospheric organisms were tasked with being on earth for some unknown purpose, but the overarching goal of their work is to seek apotheosis, which is like the culmination of all evolution, I think, look up that definition of apotheosis.
AUBREY: That's like the merger with God.
BRENT: Yeah, that was like the best way that he could describe it and people in the comments started like sharing a couple things like merger with God, what does that mean?
All consciousness adds up to one final source, it's not only the end of humanity, but the end of all things as we know it because in apotheosis everything becomes one. So it's almost like we're back to that point of singularity
BRENT: From the beginning of time
AUBREY: Right. So I think there's a drawback to this one for sure. So there's the draw to singularity and then there's the draw to the actual increased multiplicity of complexity of different things that can evolve. And I think for the maximum complexity there needs to be distortion of the light. So if you imagine the light as pure light, the one light. That comes through, right? Then it gets its first kind of polar. It can also be seen as like a sine wave. So it starts to wobble, the light wobbles and then sounds like, Oh, man, a wobble. There's a sine wave there in this and then the highs and lows there's polarity and so that's one way to look at, or you can look at it light and darkness. There's the light of creation and then there's the darkness of the void, right? So you start to see the world in polarity. So there's the light and then there's the void. And then there's a prism. You imagine prisms that start to get created to refract the light. So then there's the seven, the one pure white light turns into seven lights and seven sounds on the harmonic scale. So that prism into seven and then from there, like all more, all more prisms are like refracting, refracting, refracting. And that's what ultimately gets down to the prism that we are, in our own density as like another prism to refract the light. And so I think there's forces that are looking to increase that process of complexity. What are all of the possible options, which is every way that God can experience itself, like life can experience itself, the one light, the source can experience how intricately complex it is and evolve how intricately complex it is by all of the different refractions that are happening and all the different lives and creations. And so there's the energy for that. More complexity, and then there's also an energy that says, no, let's just destroy everything and get back to the oneness of nothing, like the unicity. I think, so those are the two opposing forces. One's like the most creation in life and the other is anti life, but they're both trying to get back to God,
BRENT: Yeah, to the same source.
AUBREY: But just different places, right? Like one is going to the nothing, one is going to the everything. And in the competition between those two, you get the ultimate complexity.
BRENT: Oohh, make a Reddit post out of that, dude.
AUBREY: So back to the aliens, what does that matter for the aliens? Well, I think the aliens are working in some capacity for eventually either some force for life
BRENT: That is the ultimate goal
AUBREY: Some force for life or some force for destruction, or they've been hijacked by a kind of separate self identity structure where they're actually just trying to preserve themselves at the cost of other life.
BRENT: Right.
AUBREY: So they're like disconnected, but those would be the darker beings. So they're disconnected from their understanding, that they are all connected, that we're all on the same team. So that deceiver force that exists, which also creates more complexity, but that deceiver force could be acting even on the higher dimensional beings where all they care about is themselves. It's like, look at the Harkonnens in Dune. Like we get this, like there could be a super advanced civilization that is just about death. It's a culture
BRENT: Zero empathy. No capacity for it.
AUBREY: It's just a culture of death. It's like, we are the only ones that matter. And that's also like possible that they're a part of that structure or they're part of a noble knights of the round cosmic fucking alien knights of the round table.
BRENT: That'd be pretty dope. It'd be cool if they were just nice and chill.
AUBREY: I think most of them are.
BRENT: I think most of them are. I don't know if people could handle them actually like making their presence visually known, you know, on like a grand scale.
AUBREY: What do you think would happen?
BRENT: Dude. I think shit, you know what, shit would be crazy for 48 hours and then like Kim Kardashian would do some shit and everybody would pay to or Kanye West would say something about, you know, whatever's happening overseas. And then the news cycle would change. I think aliens could be, we could have two aliens show up today and have them living in an apartment in downtown Austin and walking around and people would forget in a month. I think people will forget it in a month.
AUBREY: Yeah, well, we've been conditioned in certain ways.
BRENT: We've been so conditioned.
AUBREY: We've watched it through the movie so many times. So if it actually happened, it'd be like, oh shit, it's just like the movie, but we, the story's already in our mind.
BRENT: Yeah, and half the country would think it's a psyop. Half the country would be like, those aren't real aliens, that's CGI that CNN did. You know, it's like people have been so conditioned to just be anti what they see.
BRENT: But I think it would also be, you know, potentially the thing that makes everybody chill the fuck out, you know? Like give people a big
AUBREY: I mean, it would be a big, it would be a big pattern interrupt
BRENT:. Yeah, a huge pattern interrupt that could almost instantaneously expand consciousness. Because you just immediately open up to the fact that, oh my God, we aren't the center of the universe. Everybody still, it just seems like humanity will always have that belief. As much as we talk about how big and amazing and complex and infinite the universe is, humanity in general is so hyper focused on being the center of everything, that we lose track of the bigger picture. And so I think, yeah, if aliens showed up, it would allow us to, you know, stay open to that.
AUBREY: Maybe that's why they won't show up though because they want us to figure this shit out ourselves.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: You know, it's like I think that's probably part of the laws of the cosmos like the Tao that cannot be named. It's just in the Tao Te Ching it says it's older than God. This is older than God. The Tao is older than God. What does that mean? that means there's like an order and a structure and rules and laws and, maybe one of those structures is that you can't interfere with the lower dimensions, free will, or choice in some capacity, or maybe it's just an agreement they have, or you have to like influence through the proper channels, but you can't make like an over. I don't know, man, but it was like, but you wonder like, even if they could, like if they could and we're suffering why wouldn't they and why hadn't they, it just feels like no, we're gonna have to figure this out. There's the aliens aren't gonna fucking save us.
BRENT: Yeah. Do you think we have free will? Here we go. Let's go deep, dive in, baby. Yeah, you think totally free will versus determinism. You're on team free will?
AUBREY: Absolutely because all of those determinists don't believe in God one, like everybody who says there's no free will. Also, I was rare to see anybody who's, you know, no free will and believes in God, right? That's one thing to know. So they're in there, these materialist, rationalist, reductionist minds like frames. And if you're actually looking through that frame, which is purely a third dimensional frame, I think there actually is very little to no free will available from that realm
BRENT: Right
AUBREY: But as soon as you understand that consciousness is actually includes and transcends this third dimensional plane and it's in the realm of consciousness itself where free will occurs in the contest between the self and the negation of self, you and anti you in that contest is will, it's like a game that's being played and there's choices that can be made, you know, from you, which is like the self that you are, wherever your point of identity is, like what you are as a strand that stretches all through time, right? Like your strand in the braid of all creation, like that, because it's connected to the part of you that's beyond this actual brain complex, that's where the free will exists. And so the more that any being has access to that. The more free will they have, right? Like I think dolphins have free will. I was just swimming with dolphins and there was a choice that they could make whether to play or not to play. And I don't think that choice was just like, Oh, my instincts and my biology and my reproductive drive and whatever, like they were choosing to play based on this thing or that. And the, you know, I felt like there was some small amount of free will even there and we have more free will because we have more access to that level of consciousness and like the higher you move up the more free will there is and then I think there reaches a certain point where even though you have maximum free will. You just wouldn't choose a different way. And then so free will starts to actually merge back into the one will, which is the will of the divine, like, yes, creation. Oh, I think that was a choice too. It was a choice all the way up and down. It was like create or not create, create. In the beginning, there was the word.
BRENT: Was that the word? That’s the exact word?
AUBREY: That was it. That was the word.
BRENT: How do you spell that?
AUBREY: Yeah, it's A U O A U O O M M
BRENT: Dude, the free will versus determinism argument is, I like listening to people talk about each because of that whole Newtonian way of thinking and the reductionist way of thinking, it's just so not fun. Like everything you said is totally true. And then when I was listening to a podcast about it, I just couldn't stop thinking like, when I was a kid, I'll give you an example. When I was a kid, I used to think like, I wonder if God knows everything that's going to happen. Does God know everything that's going to happen? Does God know what shoe I'm going to put on first tomorrow? Because if God already knows, then that means I'm not really choosing that. I was like seven, eight years old. This was my thought. And I didn't like that. I didn't like that. And so I used to put my hand in my pocket so that God couldn't see it. And I'd be like, okay, in my head, I'd be like, okay, God, I'm going to hold out a finger and you're going to have to guess it. And you're not going to know what finger I'm going to hold out. And I would think of like one, two, three, seven, 14, three, two, one, four, five. And then I'd hold out a finger and I'd be like, Ain't no fucking way. God guessed that. And I'd be trying to trick God 'cause I wanted
BRENT: A sense of control over my behavior, I guess. If I was breaking that down a little bit.
AUBREY: Yeah. You you wanna be able to write your own story.
BRENT: Yeah. You wanna be able to write your own story, tell your own story. So that was like seven, 8-year-old Brent. Do I still do that? Yeah. From time to time. But it was, at the time, it was like I really wanted control. What was the word? What did you just say before? agency. I wanted agency over my decisions. And Plus if everything is laid out and already planned and fate is fate, then
AUBREY: It's not interesting.
BRENT: It's not interesting
AUBREY: Like I that's the thing like as soon as you believe in God you understand that of course, there's free will. How do you believe in God and believe that God is omnipotent? He, she, whatever. God is omnipotent. If omnipotent, almost every, every different tradition has an omnipotent God, all powerful. Oh, Okay. God's all powerful. Does God want to watch and exist in an already played out movie that they know the answer to? No, of course not. We want to play the game. We want to have our choices matter. Our competition matters. We want to compete. We want it. We don't want to know the ending before, when we're starting to watch it. We want it to be live action. You think that God can be all powerful. And wouldn't want live action. Of course, God wants live action.
BRENT: God wants to be entertained.
AUBREY: Live action, bro. Ofcourse, like, and as we are like, you know, homoimmago Deus, like we're in God's image. Like we want live action. God wants live action. If God's all powerful, of course, he's going to make it, so there's live action, but the missing link for all of these determinism people is they just don't believe in God. And I understand because of the way that God's been described in a lot of religions, but trust me, bro
BRENT: But god is like,
AUBREY: Go and do some fucking bouffo or something and you'll feel God and be like, Oh yeah. So as above, so below, we want to write our own story. And that's the most interesting thing. Live action.
BRENT: I also wonder if a lot of people would argue for determinism. Who don't believe in God have a, um, maybe a skewed image of what God is, you know, because God goes by many definitions, but maybe the one everybody agrees on is, the creator of the universe, source consciousness or something that sums it up. So it's not just a dude with a beard in the clouds that waved his finger one day and made everything happen. And yet I remember when I was, uh, like 10 years ago when I first started getting a little bit deeper into my own personal spiritual journey. And I started, you know, reading different texts about spirituality and old religions and perspective towards that. God and different beliefs of how God would present himself, herself, whatever in your life, energetically, visually, and I found the as above, so below language and as without, so within. And then I saw it. An image of like lightning and then right below the image of lightning was like a human hand with veins and I was like, Whoa, dude, our veins look like lightning, dude. This is crazy, dude. That's God, dude. This is like 10 years ago. And it was really cool. I remember the energy of that realization, you know, it was such a surface level thing that like every sorority girl probably has a picture of lightning in her hand next to it. And like, I totally get that, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was like a really cool revelation. It was really cool and it added a layer to my consciousness and my awareness toward everything being as one. And so I just wonder if people who argue determinism, if they would be changed by an experience like that.
AUBREY: For sure.
BRENT: Not just showing them a picture of a hand, but yeah, it’s a strong revelation.
AUBREY: it's a transcendental experience. It is a revelation. This is the revelation of God. This is the revelation of the divine. And like, once you actually have the revelation, you can philosophize, think about it all you want, but a revelation is you experience it, you know, and that's like, if you experience it, you fucking experience it and then once you experience it, then see how you feel about your arguments at that point. You know, like what? How does that change? And because I mean, everything else. And I think there is an energy that wants to kind of commodify and control everything we're fucking doing, you know, like this, you could call it, you know, what my teacher Gaffney calls a techno feudalism, which is like this technocracy that's trying to control all of our actions, you know, which is basically what they showed they could do with mice. They could have rewards and punishments. I think it's Skinner and Pentland. They created the Skinner's box. It could control all of the different actions of a rodent by these different stimuli, which is where all of this is determinism. We don't have free will. They're trying to operate on this idea that everything's an algorithm. They can control the algorithm and they can mine our attention, shape us to do what they want. And they can to a certain extent, because the more unconscious we are, the more they're going to be able to control us. Just like I said, like the more conscious an animal is in evolution, like dolphins have more free will than a mouse who has a very little, so they can very much be controlled in that. But if you can break out of that. And actually expand your consciousness, then you, you'll know the part of you that can never be controlled. And that's the fucking journey, but there's forces trying to control, lock down, fucking everything.
BRENT: The society was structured with those forces in mind, almost, it seems like.
AUBREY: Yeah, and they always try to stamp out.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: What do they try to stamp out? All of the psychedelics, they've made those illegal, thrown people in prison for them. Which is one bridge to it. What was this, you know, campaign to slaughter all the witches about, right? Like really probably they had practices where they were able to reach these transcendent revelation moments and feel the real God. So they would not be controlled because once you know you're part of this wild God, you're not going to allow yourself to be controlled. You're going to fucking throw off the shackles. So what does the empire do that they want to put on all the shackles? They want to lock all that shit down, commodify everything, tell you there's no free will, tell you there's no God, tell you there's no value, break it all down. So there's nothing there and you don't know yourself as who you actually are. And then you just fucking realize who you actually are. And you're like, fuck this. I will not accept these shackles. I will not accept these chains. I know myself as one with the divine. And this is bullshit. And then here you are in reality right now, this is the contest between those forces that are trying to control us, empire, I call them and these forces that are recognizing our inherent divinity and saying, live, live, fucking live your life. You know, scream and cry and fuck and orgasm and laugh. And like, we're going to live and keep this life game going rather than lock everything down into this deadness of the universe. Sitra Akra as the Kabbalists would say.
BRENT: Dude, people who live in a bus are so stoked at what you just said. People who live on a bus listening to this podcast like yes, man. That's why we don't have a rent man. That's why we live in Joshua tree, man. But it's real dude. I mean, that's why it's so fucking cool to see where the psychedelic movement is heading and the rate it's moving at is so cool. And I'm still early into my psychonaut journey. It's been like eight years since I first started experimenting and having experiences with different medicines, but it's been like. And that was also a kind of a discomfort that I faced and a little bit of a fear that I faced because I grew up thinking that all drugs were bad and I had the egg commercial from dare, you know, this is your brain on drugs and it was frying and now I see that commercial and I'm like, fuck yeah, my brain is frying. It's dope, but like
AUBREY: Sizzle baby
BRENT: Sizzle baby. But that's why it's so cool to see the movement in the psychedelic space right now, because it's like more and more people, and it's starting with like helping veterans, the people who need the most fucking help, and more and more people are seeing that.
AUBREY: All person responders
BRENT: And people are seeing that. And even like I have a family member who's a little older and she's worked in medicine for a really long time and I told her about the work that vets do with veterans exploring treatment solutions. They send veterans overseas for psychedelic therapy and she doesn't get it. She was really like, I kind of put off by the thought of it. But like, she's getting changed. She was introduced. This is the first time I was telling her about the topic, right? And so the more awareness that people have toward the practical uses of medicines like this will lead toward personal use away from the therapeutic use. And that just kind of starts to read in turn. It shifts how people are thinking on a global scale, starting in the micro like that with veterans and like people who need it and doing things, helping people who really need it. I'm high. That was a rant, but
AUBREY: No, I mean,
BRENT: It's like that type of work done in that capacity is something that everybody can support every single person.
AUBREY: And that's why it's unilaterally moving through and will move through. And the ripples of this is people are really underestimating when people are pessimistic. It's like MDMA is on the verge of legalization. And when people have access to that level of healing, At scale and can see, cause that's one place to know yourself in connection to the whole is when you really open your heart. You know, that's what this does more than anything. That's where the healing comes. And in that place, you know, that's where we find that's our Ottoman, that's our God center. It's our heart. So as you open that heart and then allow the perspective of the heart, which is connected to God, you know, that's the cord that pulses through us. That's our connection point to source. It's our heart. You know, we've been talking a lot about the other aspects, the cosmological aspects of God, you know, Gaffney, my teacher would call the Elohim version, which is like just the force, the cosmological force, but the God's source is love, like the interior, the interior of it. And the structure and the substrate of it is love itself and it's connected through our heart. So people start connecting that way, that is going to be a just absolute revolution, you know, and it will start with the people who are, you know, the most traumatized, who, the healing results have been incredible, but this is not like some neurochemical fix. Like we're in this situation now where pharma is always trying to tinker with this one chemical or whatever like that. That's not what MDMA therapy is. You do it for three sessions and then you continue to heal onward and onward and onward. It's not about the component fixing it because we're not a fucking machine, we're a divine being. And so if you open up your heart. All kinds of different things are going to happen. So we're going to see this ripple of heart opening, that's going to spread around the world, and it's going to bring about a whole new concept of how we see each other.
BRENT: Yeah, As needed. I believe it this
AUBREY: I mean now or never I mean
BRENT: It's not, it really is now or never it feels like some crazy shit could happen.
AUBREY: It does and I mean, I think there's a lot of cultures that have always believed that and there's like rapturous ideologies everywhere but yeah, we're in the actual point in time where there are totalizing catastrophes,
BRENT: Yeah, that's like a rapture of the , you know, it might not be coming in the form of locusts. It's just a rapture of like humanity's soul that just continues to get crushed by the system that we've created that everything you said before that holds us down and the rapture come so save the soul by expanding awareness for
AUBREY: Yeah, find it through your heart, you know, and it's and psychedelics aren't the only way, but all of these ways that you can find it in the sweat lodge, you can find it in breath where you can find it in an ecstatic dance, you can find it and all of these things, drumming, trance, you know, transmediate, wherever you can find a lot of people find it in nature, you know, like I sat across from here from with Laird Hamilton, and for him, I could tell like, God is the ocean. Ocean is God, right? It's like he understands and feels that Rick Rubin said, you know, something similarly about, you know, artists and water. It's like they see the reflections, like you can find the divine in the wild, you know, cause God lives, lives through that purely. And if you actually tune into it, you'll recognize, but there's, you know, this is what we have the opportunity to wake up to is to realize that we're in the fucking coolest experience possible.
BRENT: It's really fucking cool, dude. It's the best. It's really cool being alive. It's fun. You get to do a lot of fun shit. God did it. Like,
AUBREY: God did it.
BRENT: You really did, for sure you did.
AUBREY: Like, God you fucking killed it, bro. Like, wow, what an incredible experience we get to have. And yeah acknowledging there's some really fucking gnarly shit. Gnarly, the gnarliest of the gnarly, and then there's the best of the best. And we get the opportunity to experience all of that. And then you can start to have, be like grateful to God, you know, like, thank you God for everything, this whole game and all of the choices that we can make and the depth of experiences that we can have, and then that starts to strengthen your relationship with the divine. Like, thank you, God. And like, I'm fucking, and also good work. Like I'm fucking proud of you. God, I'm proud of you. God,
BRENT: You did it.
AUBREY: You did it.
BRENT: Thanks for the invite.
AUBREY: Yeah, man,
BRENT: Happy to be here.
AUBREY: I’m proud of you.
BRENT: I didn't bring a gift, but on the day, I am the gift. So no, it's cool, dude. I have a lot of hope. I have faith. I don't have hope. I have faith. Hope. Jim Carrey has a really cool quote. He said, hope, you walk through the fire and you hope you don't get burned. Faith is you leap over knowing that you won't get burned. Something along those lines. Faith over hope. I have faith that I don't think we'll ever live in a utopia and I don't think we should. I think people who have utopian ideals are a little off because without challenge and conflicts comes no growth. But we can be in such a better place than we currently are.
BRENT: If everybody was a little bit happier. You know, and a little bit more grateful for the opportunity to be alive in this 3D existence. And if everybody just kind of shut the fuck up a little bit more. Just a little bit, just like five minutes out of the day to not say a word or make a sound.
AUBREY: Man, we're so mean to each other.
BRENT: We're mean, dude. People are mean.
AUBREY: We're so mean, dude.
BRENT: People are mean
AUBREY: We're so quick to cast judgment and so quick to like somebody else.
BRENT: Yeah. Cause there's like, people get their fix from elevating their status over other people and it's weird and it's been crazy mad heightened by the internet and social media, but it's also been like rewarded cause you can elevate, if you elevate yourself above somebody else by looking the victim or, you know, I did a video a while back making fun of people who have like toxic spirituality who hold themselves up, you know, on a pedestal made of sage or whatever above everybody else. As soon as you do that, it gives you this sensation of being better. And that's like, eh, I don't know how that's been bred into society, but I would love to breed it out. You know
AUBREY: Well this is the classic ego move like, so there's a part of us so if you imagine that we're all source right like a part of us needs to believe that we're separate in order to have our own separate experience if we didn't have an ego that defined the boundaries of the self and said like oh I am myself, I am this body, I am a singular being, I'm a singular point like located in this field like so I am not the field is basically what this. And I call this like the player and I have a whole model that I'm gonna break out. But this is the player, the player has a jersey, a name. It's like no, I know who I am, I'm this being the jerseys on the athlete which is the body right so there's like the player which is the ego construct the identity which is your name and your stats and everything you've done and then you're it's being worn by the body which and that's all connected as a separate self. Okay, great. Like that's true. And there's a force that actually exists to create that separate self. Now, what does that separate self want to do? It wants to compete. It wants to compete with other separate cells for, if it's connected to the rest of the field, for the betterment of all evolution. You know, the two stags locking horns, they're competing for the betterment of evolution. So stags continue to get stronger and stronger and stronger, right? Like this is the nature of competition, why there's competition so that you get stronger and you evolve. And so there's that force that wants to do that, that's in everybody, but if it gets shut off. So it gets severed from the recognition of the whole field itself, right? And so that all it believes is that the only thing that's real is me. Everything else is just a tool to serve me. So you get in this kind of consciousness where it's like, it's all about me and nothing else matters because you're not connected to the field. You don't see that you or anybody else is just you living a different life, like that's me living a different life. It's a real being. It's me. So if you have that perspective, then you can still want to compete, but you don't want. Like, you also recognize that you want the game to go on forever, infinitely. So it goes back to that idea of like the force that propels for the infinite game rather than the finite game of competition and winning those metrics. But the key thing is, so is the differentiation between like the separate self, which is this ego construct that I'm talking about, the self is separate than the whole field. But if it doesn't know that it's connected to the field, it becomes the false self, because it believes a lie. It believes that it's the only one. So this is all of these kinds of ethnocentric ideas. Like we're the only good ones or real ones. It's disconnected from the truth of the field
BRENT: What disconnects it from the truth of the field?
AUBREY: It's this lack of understanding that it's actually just like, it's a lie, there's some lie in which they've been able to tell themselves that they're not connected. Like some way they've been deceived
BRENT: In some way, they
AUBREY: Into believing this part of us that wants to keep us separate. It just ultimately goes and tries to create a hierarchy. That's why they're trying, everything's trying to create a hierarchy. And of course that's the way it is. Basketball players try to be, everyone wants to be the LeBron, the Kobe, like you want to be the top of the, that's what you compete for. And that's great. And that's healthy in that regard. But if you don't know that, like basketball must continue, just be like, imagine a basketball player that just went out and just started like, you know, stomp kicking everybody's ACLs until nobody could play in the league anymore. And then it'd be like, there's no more basketball, bro. Like you won, but like, there's nobody who can play. You know, this is like the Tanya Harding fucking getting somebody Kerrigan's knee. No, just compete, bitch.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Like fucking compete, you know?
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: And like, I don't use that word except obviously if you use some fucking stick to knock out somebody else's leg, it's a bitch, a best bitch move,
BRENT: That's a bitch move.
AUBREY: Yeah. A hundred percent.
BRENT: A bitch move.
AUBREY: A hundred percent.
BRENT: God knows.
AUBREY: Yeah. A hundred percent. Because like, just fucking compete for real. But she was in her false self, you know, where the only thing that mattered was her, the only thing that mattered was her victory. It wasn't about anything connected to goodness. So it's all a lie that we're separate from everybody else. And the thing that breaks you through the lie to go back to what we were talking about, psychedelics is that's one of the ways where if you open your heart. And see that we're all connected. It bursts that bubble of its own field. That's a lie. Just burst that bubble. And then you see yourself as connected to everybody. So that person that you're judging or shaming or they're othering or scapegoating or projecting all your shit onto you, that's you too. And you start to realize, and you're like, have love for everybody. Then you're just on the side of life and trying to figure it out. But it needs that transcendent experience to actually go from the false self to the gnosis, which you know, in your body that yes, I am separate and I want to compete and that's fine, like let's competition is necessary. Actually, it's a part of the cosmos. Let's compete. But I also know that, you know, you're my brother, you're my sister. We're competing and may the best may the best person win.
BRENT: We're competing for the betterment of the whole
AUBREY: Of the whole Infinite game.
BRENT: Right, yeah.
AUBREY: James cars wrote a great book, finite and infinite games, like this is where playing the infinite game or some finite game. And you see this in fucking politics too. Everybody's just worried about whatever their next four year cycle is going to be. They don't care if they degrade the entire field of the psyche of all people by the way that they're tearing each other down and modeling like the worst behavior, like whatever it takes to win at all costs. But that's not the fucking point. Like we got to keep the infinite game of a beautiful country in a beautiful America. You know, and of course evolving, getting better, not getting worse, you know, like, yeah, we've done a lot of fucked up shit and we had a lot of brilliant fucking things that were organized in this constitutional democracy, you know? So like, let's fucking make it better. Let's continue to make it better. And, but instead everybody's just degrading the field to get more profits, suck more profits out of people, suck more votes out of people at any cost. And it's degrading everything. And it's like corporations polluting the environment, like to an extraordinary amount or poisoning the soil and selling like, what the fuck, like we all have to participate in this soil, in this air, you're stupid.
BRENT: It would be amazing if there were a way to integrate that entire theory that you just created a container for into children's education. You know what I mean?
AUBREY: Yeah, totally.
BRENT: And because it's like, the best way to have that flip of perspective is to have a transcendent experience, a very transformational experience, but is there a way, I just wonder what the world would be like if that was like taught. You know, in some way, and it probably is in many cults around the world and like the worst possible way. But like, you know, to teach that we are one and like really ingrained that system of belief from a young age.
AUBREY: Yeah, totally. And I think stories and movies and things like this are the way, like you make the stories that reflect the truth.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: You know, and I think for all the criticism that I don't even know who made this film, but Ryan, the last dragon, I was criticizing all of the different stories that are being told. That was one of the most beautiful animated children's films I've ever seen in my fucking life. Had such like true guiding principles about it. You know, and about deep trust and about unity, you know, and when you move into your separate tribalist ideas and you're all competing and trying to break the heart of the mother, the creator, you know, which is emblemized by a dragon in this film. Like you try to break it off, divide it all up and fight with each other. The world goes into Citra Acre, the other side, it goes into the deadness of the universe if you start to break it all up. And then if you actually can work together, you have, you know, a thriving paradise and like that story is more stories like that. And yes, also mirrored by, you know, ways in which you could improve education literally, but the way that we can affect it, like changing the educational body is going to be really difficult, but let's just write books and tell stories and when, maybe with fucking AI, we'll be able to have like a whole series of fucking cartoons that we can make with like deep spiritual truths that can replace like the bullshits.
BRENT: Conscious cartoons. Yeah. It's going to be your next business.
AUBREY: I don't need a business.
BRENT: I got a pitch, dude. I got a pitch. I can't say it on camera.
AUBREY: But for real though
BRENT: But yeah, and passing along, you know, this belief system to your children. Like the way my mom raised me with kind of general spirituality. She grew up in an Italian-Catholic, very Italian-Catholic household. And then she graduated and went to college and she became a hippie and she was a deadhead. And then she raised me with a little bit more general of a spiritual perspective. Like I remember when I was 10, I asked her how to pray and she told me to pray. I can pray differently, it's my choice. Some people in the world pray to God, some pray to Jesus, some pray to the universe, some pray to energy. And I was like, I remember thinking like, Oh wow, that's interesting. I could pray to the universe. And then I started thinking of God as the universe. And then I started thinking of God as the creator of the universe, not as the universe itself, but created the universe. And this is like a 10 year old brain firing around and all these weird
AUBREY: What a cool kid you were.
BRENT: That was a kid's trip. Yeah.
AUBREY: I mean, weak, but cool as fuck
BRENT: Sure. No, at the time I was actually bigger than I am now. Lost some weight,
AUBREY: But you were fucking cool.
BRENT: I don't know if the shirt shows.
BRENT: Yeah, dude. So like, she gave me the first stepping stones down my path of the belief system that I now have for me and my soul and how I approach these bigger theories of the universe and God. And now when I have kids one day, they will get the next iteration of that.
BRENT: Right. And then their kids will get the next iteration of that. And I would hope that the amount of people that pass on those types of belief systems is a lot. I don't know. I do, going back to having faith in humanity and like, especially in a spiritual sense, like do people really know our place or are we all just hope so hyper focused on paying the internet bill and dah, dah, dah. What gives me a lot of faith is the variations of spirituality that people have. Like I have a lot of friends that are super big in the new age space and flower life tattoos on their elbows and shout out to them. I love them so much. And they have this belief system that is basically kind of what we just described. And then I have other friends that are like in the country and they're kind of right wing hunters and they look at, the people with the flower life tattoo and they're like, what the fuck you guys are just out here being hippies and dancing to bass music, that's super weird. But then that person will go out into the woods and look up at the stars and have the same sensation of belief that my friend at the bass music party has. And so there's an overlap of spiritual belief that happens between these two people that are on completely different ends of the cultural spectrum, right? And I've seen more and more of that, which is really cool. It just gives me faith, you know, it's because I get cynical sometimes, I get really fucking cynical towards society and I try not to, but I get really cynical and I get like down and I'm like, we’re born not
AUBREY: We're being fucking steered in bullshit directions. Like we're being manipulated, you know, in bullshit directions. And it's not hard to figure out. You know, look at the advertisers for all of the media
AUBREY: That's where they get their money, you know, look at just follow the money. And you'll see like we're being steered in shitty directions that are going for the purpose of extracting more dollars from us, from these corporate entities that are now in charge of everything. We need to have a real revolution, you know, and that's one of the reasons why I'm in such radical support of Bobby Kennedy's. He understands the corporate capture that is driving us to this place of further and further division, further and further sickness. And why? Because that's profitable. You know, every fucking, every jab, every pill, every, every different thing, every health care procedure, all of that starts racking up money. And so like there has to be controls on all that. And it doesn't mean that these people who are doing that are evil. I think they just buy into what they're doing, but there needs to be the check and balance again to separate self, the self that only cares about itself, which corporations, that's all they do. They're built to only care about themselves, but somehow they got to be connected through the people that run them, that they have to be connected to the field consciousness, the field consciousness of everything and realize that they can't fuck up the world just to make more profits. It can't work that way. Cause if everybody does it that way and we're all fucking done, it's game over
BRENT: Yeah, you know, that's toxic competition.
AUBREY: It's game over, son. So we have to change these systems and structures and stories and start telling different stories to people, guiding people in different ways. I mean, that's again, like Bobby Kennedy's on the fuck and he can't get censored anymore. Can't get canceled anymore, you know, because it can't get, he's actually speed. It's the presidential speech. He'll be able to like, say, speak fucking truth.
BRENT: Dude, he does speak true.
AUBREY: He speaks fucking truth.
BRENT: I love Bobby. I'm a fan. I'm on board. You know, the main reason I like Bobby Kennedy is because every time I see him, he has his sleeves rolled up. He looks like he's ready to chop wood. You know what I mean? Like, he's ready to build some shit. He's ready to build the country.
AUBREY: I was skiing with him.
BRENT: His forearm is flexed.
AUBREY: I was skiing with him in fucking Aspen. That motherfucker is shredder
BRENT: Flying down the mountain.
AUBREY: He’s 70. I'm barreling with that. I'm a good skier. Not compared to Bobby Kennedy. I’ve been skiing like, I skied with Bodie fucking Miller. You know, obviously Bodie's a better skier than Bobby, but fuck, like,
BRENT: I saw clips.
AUBREY: This motherfucker's nasty.
BRENT: Yeah, he was flying. He's flying, dude. And from a perspective of his campaign and his intentions and the reasons he's running. And every time I hear him talk, he just sounds like a real person. You know what I mean? He just sounds like he has a history lesson behind every one of his initiatives based on what's happened in the past. And I just, I learn from him every time he talks. And it's cool to hear somebody talk about their vision of the country and with practical ways to make it happen and historical weight behind why we need to change before we go back to what, like what it used to be, or like before we fall into this trap or to get us out of the mud with these agencies or whatever it is. I'm fully on board
AUBREY: I mean, that ability to just speak truth.
BRENT: Yeah. The ability to communicate.
AUBREY: Speak truth to really communicate. Truth from the heart, you know, it's another thing about Bobby
BRENT: There’s no beige language
AUBREY: He's like, he sends me more heart emojis than like any fucking male friend other than maybe like Kyle Kingsbury, you know, like than anybody, you know, it's like, he's so expressive with his love and it's not an act. It's authentic, you know, it's like he really loves. And he's really like, that's the thing. And so, yeah, people can criticize this opinion that he has about this thing in this way that he's seeing things. And that's fair. You know, like I have things that I might see it a different way, but what I trust is that. He actually is coming from love. He doesn't have another agenda. Like he's here to serve. He's called forward out of this calling this vocation to serve the best way he can.
BRENT: He doesn't want to be president to be president,
AUBREY: Right.
BRENT: You know, he doesn't want to be president for the title, which seems like what 90 percent of these motherfuckers
AUBREY: And then that models that type of behavior, that type of separate self behavior, like that's not what we need modeled. We need to be modeled like a good man, a good father, we need goodness modeled. And so even though, you know, Trump and Bobby's a lot of things they're going to do, they might be fucking similar, but like, who's the better father? Like, who would you want to leave your kids with? Like if you had to leave for like three months and you had to leave your kids with an uncle, do you leave them with uncle Trump or do you leave them with uncle Bobby, you know, like really though
BRENT: Biden's not an option cause they wouldn't, you know, survive
AUBREY: They would be taking care of him. You're a good five year old would be like, give me Biden’s the
BRENT: Tell me a joke, you need your milk
AUBREY: Your ice cream.
BRENT: Bobby gets in the office. What's your cabinet position? Secretary of Vibrations? What's your position? Chief Officer of Frequencies?
AUBREY: Yeah, something fucking made up.
BRENT: Yeah, for sure.
AUBREY: I'll get him to just give me like a made up thing that doesn't exist.
BRENT: You walk through the White House with a didgeridoo all day? Just resetting everybody? Yeah, dude. Yeah, he's got my vote. I'm in.
AUBREY: Yeah, I mean, we're in a time like, keep fucking laughing, keep loving, keep living, but also, we gotta stand and fight too. Both those shifts.
BRENT: We can laugh through the fight. We can laugh during the fight. People just don't
AUBREY: And that's what happens in any fight, you know, you talk to a high level operator. They'll do their mission. But what do they do when they get back as soon as they can? They'll start cracking jokes with each other. You know, they'll go to laugh and my stepfather was on the SWAT team in Compton like it was heavy. And yeah, they laugh when they get back. It's the way that they alchemize like, what the heaviness of the situation is. So if you lose the laughter in it, you gotta check where you're going. You gotta check your fucking bearings.
BRENT: Yeah, dude, everybody needs a little bit more of that court jester energy
BRENT: You know, see through bullshit. People still watch too much news. That whole archetype of the court jesters is really cool to me because everybody could take a lesson from that. And just take like a 10 percent of the jester and just relax a little bit and be able to mock all the shit that's happened. Be able to mock life so that you can enjoy life. Like life is absurd. There's some absurdities.
AUBREY: It's a fucking paradox.
BRENT: Yeah. So a little bit more of that jester energy, I think is much needed,
AUBREY: This is I heard on Joe Rogan and Aaron Rogers, they were talking about this and I love that they were talking about it, but in the Lakota culture and the tradition for the Sundance, there's always a Heyoka and for the tribe, there's the Heyoka and the Heyoka is the coyote is the jester and whatever the rule is, however sacred the rule is, if you circle this way clockwise, he'll circle counterclockwise. If you're on, you know, in the Sundance, if you're in one of the fasting days where you're not having any water, not having any food and you're in the sun and you're sweating and you're dancing, he'll just be there eating a fucking watermelon.
Just with juice dripping down his face, that's what the Heyoka does. To fuck with you and to laugh at the things and change the pattern and show you that nothing is so sacred that you can't actually accept and tolerate the antithesis of that thing, you know, so like, we need that, and that's the role that comedians play, and it's like, fucking essential because no matter what it is.
BRENT: It’s essential. I think it's physically essential to it's like, you know, how the body can physically store trauma, right? You can literally store traumatic events and negativity in your cell walls and from anxiety and stress that affect cortisol levels and I'm speaking about this as a PhD biological researcher, but it's a known fact that you can physically store trauma, I think, and I've thought this for years and it's been kind of like a driving force behind what I do. And this isn't new, but the framework that I created for myself has been, if you can physically store trauma, then you must also be able to physically store joy. You must be able to, because everything is a vibration. Everything is down to the smallest particle when you go into the quantum realm, right? And so, if joy has a different vibration than trauma, the more you experience joy, whether it's laughing at a comedy club, watching a video, seeing you when you take a jump shot, like, whatever, the laughter is will physically affect your cells, and it's not like going to make your teeth whiter and make your gut lining healthier. That's not what I'm saying. My theory has always been if you can physically store joy, then every happy moment from the lowest little half a smile chuckle to the highest tears fucking pouring out of your eyes with laughter with a bunch of your best friends and everything in between on that spectrum is positively affecting your body down to the fucking atoms and creating a space where disease can't thrive. So you're physically healthier and you're having just a better experience on the whole. And that in turn could lead you down this path of having some of these transcendent experiences, opening yourself up, expanding your consciousness toward different things because you're living with a state of spaciousness that isn't allowed if you're storing a bunch of trauma and negativity. So that's been kind of my framework when I think about comedy, my role in comedy, my role in this grand dance of the universe that we're all waltzing our way through. And 80 to 90 years of life that I'm going to have is like how much positive energy can I inject into people? Because I know that when they walk out of the comedy club, they're going to be a little bit physically healthier. And even if that's not measurably and demonstrably true with empirical evidence, it's the theory of it, that's been like the driving force behind everything I do. And I think, if more people, I would hope that if people had similar thoughts, they could feel the real outcome of that because you could seek out a community. You could seek out these experiences that bring you joy, that bring you light. And then you would just feel the entire essence of your being thriving and creating a space where disease, virus, whatever, negative physical effects can't thrive.
AUBREY: Did a podcast with Zach Bush and that's exactly what he was talking about. It was like the podcast, you know, thumbnails, ecstatic health. Cause like he really talked about like, does he see it as the key component to like radical health? And it's like that kind of ecstatic feeling that you can, that you feel it flush your cells with this sense of the ecstasy of life. Like whichever spasm you're choosing, whether it's multi orgasmic tantric ecstasy, or whether it's the ecstasy of just fucking laughing so hard at a comedy club or just around the house. And, you know, that's when I feel like I'm really home, I’m really me. It’s like when I'm laughing and playing and then a lot of times life gets hella serious and the voices start beating you up and nothing's funny anymore. And that's the dark part. But as much as you can pack yourself back with that life and love and Eros and laughter, fuck yeah.
BRENT: The healthier you are.
AUBREY: Healthier you are.
BRENT: Yeah.
AUBREY: Period.
BRENT: Yeah, bro. That's it.
AUBREY: Love you, bro.
BRENT: Love you too, man. Thanks so much.
AUBREY: Yeah,man. You got a fuckin special comin up.
BRENT: I do, bro. I do. March 14th. Conscious Bro is the title. Debut comedy special. Been workin on this for like 10 years.
AUBREY: Congrats, man. I fucking can't wait to see it. It's Slade in Arcadia, so.
BRENT: Oh, dude, that was so fun.
AUBREY: That was really fun.
BRENT: That was so fun.
AUBREY: Oh, yeah.
BRENT: Yeah, performing at music festivals is a blast.
BRENT: But yeah, the special comes out March 14th.
AUBREY: Where can people see it?
BRENT: YouTube, this really cool comedy distributor called 800lb Gorilla. They have a YouTube channel. So it'll be there. I'll post clips to all my socials too. And then going on tour through the rest of the year. So manifest yourself some tickets at frontpella.com by paying for them and I would love to see you there.
AUBREY: Yeah, beautiful. We love you guys. See you later.
BRENT: Peace.
AUBREY: Thanks for tuning into the show with Brent Pella. He's got a new special either coming out or out right now called Conscious Bro. It's available on YouTube. So make sure you check it out because Brent is fucking hilarious. You guys are going to love it.