Jake Paul: My Ayahuasca Journey, Darkest Hours, Losing Millions and MORE w/ Aubrey Marcus
What is the real Jake Paul really all about? He is one of the most successful Youtubers of all time, and has most recently gained even more fame from his meteoric rise in boxing. But the Jake Paul the world knows is very different from the brother that I know. A brother I have sat in ceremony with. A brother who I have seen in heartbreak and triumph. A true warrior and a good King. In this episode, we talk about Jake’s early exposure to the secrets of New Hollywood, the prevalent “Youtuber disease”, and the personal ways in which he was able to alchemize childhood trauma into what he now calls superpowers. We share some incredible strories that have never been revealed, from the Ayahuasca Maloca to the locker room, and take a stand for what we really believe in. No matter what the cost. See more of what Jake is up to on his website https://jakepaul.com/ or on all social media channels as @jakepaul.
AUBREY: Jake Paul, good to see you, brother.
JAKE: Good to see you always.
AUBREY: Always, man. I want to let people know my perspective on the real Jake Paul, and I feel like I have a unique perspective on that. Because I've seen you under the bright lights, I've seen you in the back rooms behind the bright lights, I've seen you prepare for those epic nights that everybody just gets to see what the whole world gets to see. But I've seen behind the scenes there. I've seen you in the maloca when the candle goes out, and it's pitch black, and El Dragon starts singing his icaros, or playing his harmonica. I've seen you in those moments. I've seen you when you pull in the full lung capacity of Bufo, 5-MeO-DMT, and I've been right there with you in those. We've been through the Godbomb together. And, I've seen you just fucking around having fun. Yesterday, we're out, we're throwing knives and throwing axes, and you're figuring it out. Then you get this idea, and when you start throwing the knives, you go, "Death by knife!" And you just start sticking them in.
JAKE: I needed that, death by arrow.
AUBREY: Yeah, then we got the bow and arrow, death by arrow.
JAKE: Maybe this is a thing I do, because I just started shooting the basketballs. And I was like, "Please, please, please."
AUBREY: Just willing it.
JAKE: Yes.
AUBREY: Just willing it.
JAKE: Willing it into existence.
AUBREY: So, I mean, I've seen many of the aspects of who you are. And also, I haven't seen a whole bunch of your old YouTube content either. So, I feel like I've seen like a crosssection of the man that you really are, and the man that you really are now. I can't speak to the man that you were, but I imagine there's a continuity of self that's carried you this way. And so it's kind of funny to me when people have all of these snap judgments and thoughts about who you are, and I'm like, "Y'all don't fucking know who this dude is. You have no idea." I've been there on the inside, and it's a much different thing.
JAKE: Well, thank you, yeah. Each day humans evolve. You could wake up one day and shave your head, change your name, and get a face tat. But you could also do that within yourself, and within your spirit and within your heart and within your mind. You can literally change who you are overnight. I think I've been in media for so long and creating videos for so long that people see a lot of the old stuff, and I was cringe, I was immature, I was a young kid with big dreams and big aspirations. I wanted to make my family proud. I wanted to make a bunch of money. I saw my dad crying because he had to sell everything, and he came to me, and, it was super emasculating. He was like, "I don't know what to do, I can't afford anything. We're going to have to move, we're going to have to..." And he was so weak. I saw how much it hurt him that he had to sell his motorcycle that brought him so much happiness after a divorce. He was lonely.
So, I wanted to make money, I wanted to be the first successful person in my family. You start to do things based off of getting to this goal you have in your mind of financial freedom and success and fame, and you think that's going to bring all the happiness and change everything. As a kid, that's what really motivated me. I was in Los Angeles by myself at 17 years old. You know my older brother was supposed to be the one watching over me. Then I'm the one watching over him. It's a crazy world out there. The devil lives so strong in that city. It's everywhere. It's temptation, it's vixens, it's drugs, alcohol.
AUBREY: The devil always hides in the holy, and it's hilarious that it's called the City of Angels. But the devils hide in there in the City of angels, the devil hides in all of the holy places, because of course, as long as it can slip underneath in the holy places, then it can go undetected. That's definitely there, man. I mean, you can feel some of the emptiness and hollowness. I grew up in Southern California too, before I moved to Texas at 14. Spent a lot of time back there. And some of the most challenging energy I've ever felt was when I worked for a production company in Hollywood. And I was like, whoa, this is fucking... This is dark. It's intense.
JAKE: It really is, and it'll break you down mentally, especially as a kid. And that's why you see so common story of childhood star loses his mind, ends up in jail, is drug addict. And so, it's for a reason. It's so easy to get caught up and go down the wrong path there. A lot of times, before it's too late, you're already so deep into it. And luckily, I woke up to it largely due to psychedelics, but also largely due to the sport of boxing, which put me in this different community where it wasn't about fame and money and people using each other, clawing to the top, fake friendships. That's what that whole influencer world was and is, and that's what Los Angeles is.
AUBREY: I feel like a boxing gym is the perfect contrast to LA. LA is everything about what you can show, and who you know, what's fake and what you're projecting out in the world. You go to a real boxing gym, no one gives a fuck, and you still got to put on the gloves, and you still got to put in your mouthpiece, and you still have to encounter something real. There's some real shit that's going to happen. Real sweat is going to be dropped on the floor, and it's your fucking sweat. Real blood is going to be coming out of your mouth or your nose when you get hit. It's real, it's real as fuck. So, it's a counterbalance to everything that was LA.
JAKE: And you have to earn your respect for your talent and skill in the boxing gym. That's not so true in Los Angeles. The biggest stars there often don't have talent. It's just the looks that was created actually by a knife.
AUBREY: Yeah, and that's not to say sometimes people don't have talent. Like my boy Matthew McConaughey. Talented motherfucker. Jamie Foxx, talented motherfucker, but--
JAKE: But those aren't Los Angeles based guys. I'm talking about the scene. Also under 25, it's a completely different world than that older Hollywood. Because the under 25 is trying to get to places, they're trying to prove themselves. It still has all the high school drama, and people are acting like high schoolers. But, add in $10 million and 10 million followers to each of them, and imagine what you're going to get. The biggest egos in the world.
AUBREY: It's like a grand social experiment of how to create something that's pretty intensely plastic.
JAKE: Exactly. So, it's easy to get lost in that world, and I did. It took me away from my roots of who I was as a kid from Ohio, who just loved sports, loved playing sports. And, reset my priorities, and my intentions. Boxing brought me back to my roots of just like athleticism, and just being blue collar and working hard, and that camaraderie of having a coach, having brothers. That's why I love it. There's such real, real people in the fight world. The bonds you create within this community of people who have fought for everything that they've had, figuratively and literally, and it was just this... I was able to start to develop real friends and connections in that world. That pulled me out of this other world that I was in. It forced me to be sober, because I was like, oh, I have a fight in four months. I have to stop partying and being in this world, and I can't go to these Los Angeles parties anymore. I can't have them at my house. I can't film these videos.
Even when I stopped filming these videos, literally two days later, I had this panic attack of, "What the fuck did I just do for the past two years? Who was that? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?" That was such a whirlwind. I never had time to reflect on what I was doing throughout those years, and also, I was young. So, you're going to be going and learning and changing and maturing a lot anyways from 19 to 21, but when you're so focused every single day and filming for like 10 hours a day, there's no time to think about your actions. You're simply just doing.
AUBREY: Also, you're competing by trying to get the most likes and most views. So, you have to be very sensitive to what the comments are, what's going on, what the virality is. It's creating this very intense effect that I believe the sociologist name is Cooley, who coined the term the looking glass self. So, you're not actually looking at yourself through your own heart and expression, but you're looking at yourself through how everybody else sees you. And that becomes a big problem. Because once you're looking at yourself through how everyone else sees you, then you start to adjust your behavior to fit what will be an effective strategy for what they want to see.
JAKE: Yeah, and that's why there was this character that I was portraying. It was a lot of acting and hyping up the energy and yelling and laughing when things weren't even funny, because I knew that that's what my kid audience liked. And I saw--
AUBREY: And it worked.
JAKE: It worked. I saw the numbers, and things were growing. And, like you said, it's this never ending cycle of I need it, how do I do more? More viral, more numbers, more views. And so you start to come up with crazier and crazier and crazier ideas, and it's the YouTuber disease that many are plagued with. Now it's the streamers, the Twitch streamers who have to sit there for six hours and be entertaining on live, and it's like, this is such a bad thing--
AUBREY: Which also means talk the most shit, say the most ridiculous thing, because video games are not going to be that exciting unless you're actually creating some other external drama. That's actually happening. You have to.
JAKE: You have to say controversial stuff, get people tuned in. Kids are diving into their setups and their screens and breaking stuff. Yeah, it's crazy. Fighting people in the street, antagonizing things, creating beef with their own friends. It's like reality TV gone wrong.
AUBREY: Yeah, well, it's reality TV doing what reality TV does. So, as social animals, if we're in a tribe, we're trained to look at potential conflict, because conflict could actually seriously undermine and be a detriment to the health of the tribe. If there's conflict, everybody's going to look. "What's happening?" Because we've got to resolve this, because we need to go out and forage for food and go hunting and prepare ourselves in case our tribe is attacked. We have to be coherent and solid, and we have to have a deep solidarity within our community. So, we're trained for that. So it's kind of hijacking our natural biology and attention to look at something that's aberrant or chaotic. This is one of the challenges because we've lost our sense of tribe, but we still have those biological impulses to be trained to look at conflict, and be highly interested in it. So, this is one of these things, as we project into the future with all of this new tech and social media, we have to be aware that there's certain aspects of our lower natures, just base evolutionary biology natures that are naturally going to get hijacked.
JAKE: Yeah, we live in a world, in a society, where drama runs everything, and we're in these negative feedback loops, and the hate comments get more likes all the time. Because people have that, and like that drama, and like to tear others down. And, like you said, the negative crazy stories of who's fighting, who's doing this, who's cheating on who, who broke up with who, it's infiltrated our culture on such a massive level that it's now created this beast that I don't know if it can be stopped. I was thrown into that beast, due to my own actions. I am not saying--
AUBREY: You threw yourself into the beast.
JAKE: I threw myself into the beast by putting... I was in all that drama and had public relationships and public fallouts. There was 15 of us or 10 of us living in a house together creating these videos, and there was always some sort of drama. We fed into it, all of us did, because it was working. Then before you know it, you're in that negative loop, and you're on TMZ, you're on all these articles every single day, and it's for something negative, and they're highlighting the negative. So, it creates this... For people who aren't really paying attention, and kind of half-know who you are, kind of half-follow the media, they're like, "Oh, yeah, this kid and everything that he's doing is reckless, chaotic, out of control. He needs to be stopped. He's probably a bad person." And, I definitely did bad things, but I was more so just a lost person, chasing the wrong things. And, was super ambitious, for other reasons. Yeah, went down the wrong path.
AUBREY: Yeah. And I mean, to be fair, your wrong path slash bad things are relative on the wrong bad scale. I mean, mostly, you're just fucking around. Seriously hurting people? No, not really. Really fucking people over it, no. Not really. But I appreciate you saying that, because it's part of your humility. It's part of you saying, all we were doing was just being kids and having fun. No, you're acknowledging, "No, I could have made better choices." And all of us could have made fucking better choices. Who couldn't have made better choices? You were just making less than the best choices publicly. So what?
JAKE: Yeah, on a massive scale.
AUBREY: On a massive scale. Everybody, look in the fucking mirror. You think you made all the best choices? No fucking way. Whoever you are right now, if you're like, "I made all the best choices my whole life," do some fucking Ayahuasca, figure some shit out. I promise you, you're going to see some choices that you made, you're like, "Damn, I've got to send some apologies. I've got to send some sorries." And that still happens, no matter how many times. No matter how many times I've done Ayahuasca or whatever, 24 years in the plant medicine path, and every new time, I'll find something and I'd be like, "Damn, that wasn't a kind thing I said to somebody." Now, you know what I'm not going to say that about? I'm not going to say that about all the shit I talked to your boy, Brandon. I'm going to feel good about that always. Yeah, and I'm going to keep going.
JAKE: Nonstop.
AUBREY: Nonstop.
JAKE: Bringing Brandon down.
AUBREY: But speaking of Brandon, this is one of the things that I think helped you get out. Brandon is one of the best humans I've ever met, and one of the purest souls I've ever met, which is probably why it's so fun for me to fuck with him. Because I have this irresistible urge when I see somebody carrying that level of light and goodness, it's fun to fuck with him. But you've surrounded yourself with great people. It's not just your best friends like Brandon, and it's not just Lucas Mac, who's also a stunning human being and he's guided you through breathwork, and all of so many things. We'll talk about all of this. But across the board, the people who are around you, they're just solid people. Your crew is solid. And all the ideas that people have about the posse, the posse straight up from your security, down to your friends, down to the camera people, down to the other allies you bring in, they're fucking solid human beings. Across the board. That's got to help a lot.
JAKE: Well, thank you man. It's a tribe and a family. It's taken a while to build. Some people get filtered out, but the higher vibrational energy that the whole entire tribe and family has, it just starts to attract the right people. It's been this incredible thing, but it's finding those friends and coworkers and colleagues who just keep it real with you, who want to see you succeed, who don't just tell you, yes. There's such a big thing around the posse, and look at all these yes men. My friends talk shit about me every fucking day.
AUBREY: For sure, that's what friends do.
JAKE: "Fuck you, you're ugly." They keep me in check, and vice versa, and vice versa. It's this beautiful thing. Also, build all of this together. Because at some point, I think a lot of companies or whatever, it's a lot about money. We've basically created this just amazing movement together of knowing what it is that we're going after, and changing the course of history. I think it's united us more as a front and as a team. I believe we have been, and are going to continue to do really, really special things because of the group around us, and because of the good people, because of the big thinkers and the big ideas and the talent that a lot of these people on the team have. It truly is this amazing, amazing family. I'm very grateful for it.
AUBREY: Yeah, man. So, the first time we encountered each other, we were doing Toad. That's a hell of a way to start off a relationship. Because that, in my opinion, the most intense psychedelic. Now, it's shorter in duration, probably the whole ride is 40 to 60 minutes. But it brings you to a dimensional reality where you merge with not only source consciousness, but the somatic felt experience in your body of what, the only word that you can use to describe it is God. Now, God is a complicated word. So you can use source, you can use universal, you can use Love, whatever you want to use, but it's God. And it merges you with that. Anything that's obstructing your ability to access that, any pain or anything else is there is going to come up.
So, we went on this fast track of getting to know each other. I heard good things from our fellow mutual brother, Lucas Mac, and I was like, "Alright, I trust you, Lucas. You're dialed. I know, I've watched you work the space, I've watched you... We've facilitated breathwork together. I know how competent you are at seeing energy and seeing who somebody is." So, I had a lot of faith. And then of course we meet and then pretty soon, we're in ceremony. I'll let you share what happened in ceremony. But I remember that, when you drop in, and we had a facilitator at where we were. When you drop in, I've also been trained to facilitate on it. I don't do that myself, I always let a real seasoned veteran handle the main aspect of that, but I helped co-facilitate.
Part of what you do is you take some of the dose yourself and then you merge with sympathetic resonance with the person who's taking the big dose. So, you take a small dose to help facilitate, and I remember just feeling like, fuck, so much of this guy's energy I'm able to share and merge with, and I just had this keen instinct, I was like, "Man, there's some real pain in his jaw." I remember I laid my head right down to your head, and I started doing some deep body work on your jaw. And we just cried together.
JAKE: Yeah, we were both crying.
AUBREY: Both bawling.
JAKE: Yeah, that was a moment where all of the... You carry all of this pressure in the position I am in at such a young age with... I think maybe an extended network, there's like 200 people working for me. Not all of them solely rely on me, but thinking about them, and being the captain of that ship. And if it all comes down, it's on me. And, carrying that--
AUBREY: The pressure and privilege of being a king.
JAKE: Exactly, exactly. But I think it's taken me a while to realize the privilege. I think that's like a maturing process because everything's happened so fast over the past decade, and grown so much specifically in the past three and a half years, that a lot of it feels like more so pressure. And, I overwork myself, I overextend myself. I think I can do it all. That's a great trait, and I have to step up to the plate to do it all. I signed myself up. But it's good, I like that. Boom, I'll fight anybody, I'll do anything, I'll create this company, I'll invest in this, I'll do that, I'll shoot this commercial, this company's going to be a billion, I'll do this podcast, I'll post once a week, I'll be the head of fight relations at the PFL, I have my charity, I'll help Amanda Serrano, I'll sign more fighters.
And then all of a sudden, every day you wake up with 20 text messages, important ones, that require attentiveness, and thought, and detail, and awareness, and critical thinking skills, and a lot of times content to come from them. You're carrying all of this. You kind of have to become numb to it to be able to push through. And so, you redact your emotions, and your own... It's a selflessness because you're not even operating for yourself anymore, you're actually just doing things for a higher purpose, which is great, which is great. But, in some of those moments, and specifically the Toad, that's I think all that shit of what you were feeling. Not to mention my own personal journeys of trauma, and my childhood, and just even the stuff of the trauma around all the things I went through from 17 to 23. The media and fallouts and attacks and allegations and lawsuits, and falling outs with my brother. The list goes on and on. I feel like I've lived 400 fucking lifetimes. You carry all these things. And I think in that moment...
I have problems crying. I'm not able to cry really, because when I was a kid, my dad would hit me and then I would start crying. And then he'd be, "Yo, if you cry, I'm going to hit you more." And so, the first time I kept on crying, and then he hit me more. Then after that, I was like, "Fuck, I just can't cry." So, I have problems releasing that. Crying is good. It's such... It's like, oh, you're not tough. Even people make fun of me. I was crying in my brother's locker room after he lost his fight. It's like, no, I'm strong enough and secure enough as a man to cry and more men should cry, and it's okay to cry. And it's okay to let those things go. You're going to feel so much better afterwards, and it shouldn't be this thing that's like frowned upon in our society. Women should also like it too in a man, and not be like, "Oh, yeah, you're soft." But in that moment, on Toad, you felt all of these things that were brought right up to the surface.
AUBREY: I'm almost crying now. If crying makes you not a man, you've got to put me so far on the not a man threshold. I'm all the way on the other scale because I'm deeply in touch with my emotions. And, I understand that there's a time for no fucking tears. There's a time where the king and the warrior have to step forward and say, fall in behind me, no matter what hell is coming, no matter what storm is on the horizon, follow me, man. And you can't have the king that falls into tears and collapses under the weight, because there's a whole host of people who are relying on you to lead, and relying on you to provide the resources for their families, and their careers, and their lives. And then you extend that even further, there's a whole world that you have the opportunity, and both the privilege and responsibility, to deliver the best message of truth that you can to that world. And so, all of this responsibility and pressure, there's times where you just can't cry.
This has also been a challenge sometimes with Vylana and I. Because Vylana is like, "Can you feel me and feel what's going on?" And I say, "Yeah, babe, I can, but I just can't right now. I can, I'm capable, and I do, and I understand. But there's so much pressure right now that I can't allow myself to drop into the deeper feeling tones of what you're feeling." And that's like us getting to know and love those aspects of each other. Because all the aspects are there. The lover aspect, of course, all I want to do is cry with you all day. I would love to just drop into that. But I have so many responsibilities. And so, I don't have the energy that I can spare and the time that I can spare to do that. I've got to step into my warrior, step into my king. And from that place, it doesn't matter what I'm feeling inside. Doesn't matter how broken I am. I've got to show up and I got a podcast today. I've got to show up and I've got to handle this meeting, handle this call, handle this board meeting, handle all of this. I have to do that. I mean, there's no putting it off. It's necessary.
I recognize that in you, and so to hear you reflect that, it's one of the things that I think I felt, which is not only, yeah, can I identify the pain? Of course I can. But, I can also identify every other aspect. And that's when, from that point... And actually, when I came to the Anderson Silva fight, a lot of my message to you was about being the good king, and the story of the good king, because I saw that in you. I saw your goodness, actually. And I saw your kingship, in the Hebrew lineage, they would call it, your melchut. Your melchut is your kingship, and I saw that, and I saw your goodness, and I saw your kingship. And, I was like, here's a young good king. Your story matters. And so, to know that your story matters, and your story is linked to a greater story of the evolving cosmos as we lead the world into a whole new story all together, not just we're the only leaders, we're the only kings. No, everybody can tap into their own melchut, and everybody can lead. If it's just your family or if it's just yourself, fuck it, we need everybody to just step forward into a new story for a new world.
JAKE: Yeah, and everybody has it in them. That's why I love to share my story, and what I've went through, and all of these things. Because, I truly believe that every single person has that good king and that leader, and that badass warrior inside of them. I didn't think I was capable of any of that. I didn't know anything. I wasn't awake. I didn't know I could hold such power or responsibility or amount to any of these things that I've accomplished. I'm a regular kid. I work hard, I work hard and I believe in myself. But self-belief compounds. So, it starts off with something little. Then once you knock down that, then you can compound and compound and compound it, and then before you know it you're this unstoppable force of self-belief and self-manifestation.
But, I truly believe that a lot of kids are hurting. A lot of people around my age are hurting or depressed or lost, don't have purpose, are addicted to their phones, sucked into social media, lacking connection, addicted to porn, or on Tinder looking for all of these things, maybe dealing with addiction with alcohol, or drinking a lot to suppress a lot of these feelings, which... I was a lot of these things, and, pulled myself out of that. And that's why I like to share this story of getting into breathwork, getting into meditation, getting into boxing, fighting for something, and, looking to permeate that one person's soul who can resonate with my story. Being just from a small town, not knowing what a lawyer or manager was when I moved to Los Angeles, not knowing what an audition was, or an acting class, and literally, just having a cell phone to create all of this. I truly believe that if I can do it, then someone who's literally listening to this right now can do it.
AUBREY: Also, man, you shared a deeply traumatic and challenging story with your father, and you share it even more. Psychologically, incredibly challenging stories. And no, I don't want to bring those up, because those are your stories to tell, and it almost doesn't matter. What matters is that you had to overcome a lot. We were talking about, having a very philosophical conversation. And, yeah, when you put under that much pressure, and you have that much trauma, it's going to be really hard. It breaks our pieces of code, like our software operating system. Like if our bodies are hardware, then our mind is our software. And then our soul holds the blueprint for the highest potential of our software. The highest potential of our hardware. Like our soul has like a gnosis of this is who you could be, and it draws us forward. It's aspirational, it's like the muse. It draws us into our highest potential. But when you go through stuff like that, it breaks some of the code. It breaks some of the code.
So, we have to use the technologies that we have available, which for me, have been a lot of the plant medicines, but also, finding the guides and mentors who can help straighten up the code. And of course, breathwork is one of the best ways to do it. I don't actually recommend everybody go do psychedelics. I don't, I don't. But I recommend everybody do fucking breathwork. Everybody, universally, 100 out of 100 people do breathwork. And, meditate, find a way to still your mind. Go out in nature. These are universal recommendations. And we have to do that the more that our code is broken.
One, that pressure creates adaptations, which can be our superpowers. Like, part of your ability to close off your emotions and just move forward no matter what, that's a superpower. But, you also have a whole bunch of broken code in your software that you got to fix. And so, it's both. Those are choices that you made. You made choices to fix your code, and to use your superpowers, but keep moving forward.
JAKE: Yeah. It's interesting, because that trauma and stuff can create, yeah, like you said, superpowers. It's a double edged sword. And, just learning how to wield that sword of I can use all of this for good, but fixing the bad parts. It takes time and it's scary. Knowing that my brother went through all this same shit that I went through with our childhood, and knowing that he hasn't started to heal that side of things, and he's kind of put it in a box and ran away from it... It's scary, is what I'm getting at. And he knows that. And he says that, and he's not afraid to admit that. I think he just hasn't been ready for that, to open Pandora's box, because you go backwards. At least my experience is you go backwards before you go forwards, because you kind of realize you have all these other problems. I have all these--
AUBREY: Eyes open awareness to all the broken code, and you got to get in the code. You got to live the code. It'll put pressure, these experiences will put pressure on the code, so that you can fix it. But it's still your fucking choice. Because you can go look at that code, find it's broken, and then go, "Nope, not going to fix it. I'm out." And then you're just aware of things but you have not taken the initiative to go actually change your minutes. That's a tough spot to be in.
JAKE: Yeah, and it takes time. And, if you have that good moral compass and good soul, if you know why you're acting a certain way, or doing something in real life, or treating someone a certain way, or you're getting angry or whatever, and then you're aware of the reason why you're doing it, then that's where you can start to change it. It's a practice. And it's one thing to know, but it's like reading the manual, like how to build the engine. But then you have to actually go and do it. That's the work, that's the integration. And it's a never ending process. It's like going to the gym. I think a lot of people, and I think maybe I thought this too maybe. "Oh, I'm going to go do Ayahuasca once, and I'm going to be good." That's so far off.
I think ayahuasca has this reputation of this big, scary thing, and it's intense, and you're in the jungle, "Ooh, tell me about that." And obviously, it's a crazy magical experience, one of the best things you can experience in life, but I think it just has this bad reputation of being so scary when it's just this is what is needed. I think it gives you exactly what you need. It's not going to overpower you and strangle you and fuck you up. I think the people who have maybe bad experiences on it are those who aren't self-aware. They go into it, and then there's just this mirror, and all of a sudden, they look at themselves. So if you're not self-aware, I think that's where people get scared. But I think for the most part, people are self-aware. But it has this interesting reputation of, I don't know if I'm ready for that. Everyone is in my opinion, ready for it.
But, it's like going to the gym. You have to continue to go. You don't just go and look good overnight because of one gym session. It's the same thing with breathwork, meditation, ayahuasca, Toad, the Godbomb. The more hurt you are, and the more problems you have, the more you have to get into that gym of self-healing. It's easy to go back to your default settings of how... Everything goes back to our childhood. We act the way we act because of our childhood. It's our default settings that has to be, like you said, fixed in that code.
AUBREY: Yeah, well, because that's when the code is really being formed. It's the most malleable. Why are kids able to learn languages better than adults? Why? Because their brain is malleable. Whatever you want to reduce it to, BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor, this ability for neuroplasticity, the brain to actually shift and adjust, that's the strongest when we're kids. So, these patterns when we're children, and when we're growing up, those are the strongest coding patterns that are in the deepest parts of the code. So, somebody like your brother, who I don't know nearly as well as you, clearly, he's gotten the super power part. Because he went through the same shit, and I'm watching him do fucking backflips off the top rope in WWE going, "Goddamn, that's impressive, and what he's done with his life and career and Prime and all of that. So he got the first half right, because that's another choice. Because you could allow that pressure that you guys felt to crush you. And both of you, for whatever reason, maybe because you had each other, for whatever reason, you guys decided to take that and make it a superpower. And then the only difference is you've gone and done the other part, which is, okay, superpower, check. Now, I'm going to go fix the code.
JAKE: Yeah, 100%. Yeah, he's one of the most amazing people in the world, and I love him to death. We largely, yeah, fought through all of our childhood together, so we're in the same boat. I think these types of journeys and explorations can help bring people closer to themselves, and help create a more constant state of happiness, and gratefulness, and living a very, very beautiful, beautiful life. So that's what I want for him. He already has that, but there's another level to it for sure.
AUBREY: One of my favorite memories of you, and I'd love for you to talk qualitatively about the difference between the different medicines, and just your experiences and kind of go into the details of what you felt. But, I remember one of my favorite memories of when we were doing Ayahuasca with El Dragon at Soltara... Also, I just got to mention that, I've gotten a couple of reports from people who have gone down to see El Dragon, and haven't had good experiences. So, we had a great experience, my only experience with him has been good. I just want to share publicly that I have received some people who said they haven't had a good experience with him. So, I just want to put that out there for what it is, because it feels like my own integrity to receive these. I haven't investigated, I don't know, but just want to let that be known. But we had an incredible experience.
One of my favorite memories is we do what we call, like a share-mony where everybody shares. You were about to go, and the fucking rain started coming down so hard that it was a deafening rain. So, you just stood up like an orator, like Cicero, back from the old days. And you just orated this five-minute fucking inspiring speech, like you were fucking William Wallace. You were sharing about your journey and experience and about the fucking, the fireflies and the whole thing. And it was just, this is fucking epic. This is really cool.
JAKE: Yeah, I have a loud voice when I want to. So I could just go--
AUBREY: Yeah, I saw that.
JAKE: Right over the rain. It was my pet peeve in school, when someone would get up in front of the class and you couldn't hear them. And I'd be like, "Yo!"
AUBREY: Get in there. Get your chest voice. Let's go.
JAKE: But yeah, man. That was a beautiful, beautiful week, and my first time with ayahuasca. Yeah, the first night was tough. Like you said, it takes this mirror, and there's this motherly essence to the medicine. The mother starts to show you these things that you did that you need to like look at in an abstract way. And each time is different, but it paints out a scenario for you. It doesn't show you exactly the lesson, because it's not like a language, like what, does mother ayahuasca speak English? No, it shows you a scenario, if you will. And so, it was showing me this scenarios of like how I've acted, and it brought up like very specific situations that I had completely forgotten about. It made me take a hard look at some of those situations. The big thing was, me being snarky sometimes to people. Like sometimes I'll just like snap. And it's like, why, why, why you do this.
AUBREY: I know, man. I can't tell you how many times it's been, like a 20-minute vignette in ayahuasca about some casual moment where somebody was trying to say goodbye to me or whatever, and I was so busy, because I'm on to the next thing, that I didn't fully make eye contact and didn't acknowledge them. I'm not even aware that I didn't do that, and it'll show me that, and I'll have to sit with it. And I'll go, "Fuck." And then, get on that, make a little note in the journal that's all fucking completely scribbles so I don't forget. I'll be like, text so and so tomorrow. It can be very specific or very big. It can be about fear of death, and it can bring you through. I've told all my stories too many fucking times. But it's very interesting. It'll point to small things which are indicative of larger things. Sometimes you move too fast. Sometimes you can be a little bit of a deck. So whatever it could be, but it'll show you just a little vignette. Like, hey, hey Jake, take a look at this moment. What do you think about it now? You're like, "Fuck."
JAKE: Yeah, exactly. You see it from the other perspective, and you're like, why was I like that? Going back to the pressure and all the things going on in the business, a lot of times, it's just those little bit of like pressure that you're taking out on someone. And I've had the same shit where people sometimes think I'm ignoring that. Sometimes I'll walk into a room and I don't even say hi to anyone, because I'm not even there. I'm in my head, solving problems or thinking about the text I need to respond or what's my positioning here, what's the content idea, what's this? Maybe I'm just thinking about boxing and the combination... But I'm in my own world. So, sometimes it's like, why didn't he say hi? Why didn't he say bye? And I kind of have resting bitchface, too. So it's twice as bad. "He didn't fucking say hi." I'm just like... But yeah, it's all these little things.
On the first night, yeah, brought up a lot of problems around self-love, and how harsh I am to myself, because that's what I was indoctrinated to be, because my parents were so critical of every single thing. I couldn't do anything right. And so, naturally, that's how I treat myself, that own my own voice in my head. My whole childhood and growing up was, "You can't do anything wrong. You can't do this. You can't do that. You can't mess up here. What about this? What about that?" And it's living in that state of fear and anxiety, and you never give yourself any credit. Even I would win the wrestling tournament, and it was like, "Why the fuck didn't you do this? Or that?"
AUBREY: Like why didn't you pin him if you want them points, like that?
JAKE: Yeah. "You didn't do this move, you need to work on this." That also created a superpower. There's another side to that of constantly striving for more. But it also created a ton of like insecurity, and self-loathing, and judgment that was just too much, a lot of times. And, it really showed me to just be nicer to myself. She gave me like a really big hug, and it felt like this love that I needed.
AUBREY: It's the love of the mother. Really is. Mother.
JAKE: It was so cerebral. Yeah, Mother. So, that was really powerful. I think that was my biggest takeaway from the whole week is working on that self-love, and giving myself credit sometimes. Moving forward for the rest of the week, it showed me just how beautiful life was, and kept on painting all of these different amazing things for me to see and witness and experience and feel.
In our society, everything moves so fast. You just always have to do a bunch of things and be here and do this, and we're so disconnected from nature. We're so disconnected, even from ourselves. We're disconnected from the beauty of life and living in the present moment. I struggle with that, because it's always future problem, future thing, what are we doing? Meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting. So, you're never in the present moment. And Toad, aya, has really, really, really helped bring my attention to the present moment, and being able to enjoy it. And, to let everything else go. I think that's also why I used to drink a lot, because it brought me to that present moment, but that's not the right answer. That's a crutch, it's easy way out. It always ends bad. This started to give me the power to be able to just do it by myself every single day with some meditation and just some thoughtfulness around it.
AUBREY: The way to think about the difference between drinking and a well intended and well done psychedelic medicine is, in your default consciousness, you're in a beta brainwave state and you're constantly assessing for threats, problems, opportunities. It's very difficult to drop into the present moment in that brainwave state, and just from that default mode of reality. So, one way to get into a more present reality is you can start to close off your aspects of your consciousness. So, alcohol closes off aspects of your consciousness. So, the problems become less significant. I mean, it can have lots of different problems as well, because you're closing off your higher dimensions of consciousness. But, it's actually effective, it's just not the right best strategy. And it's not that alcohol can't be medicine at certain points do. Sometimes, drinking with a buddy is like medicine. And sometimes actually...
I remember the first time I did Toad, and I was given a ridiculous dose combined with a ridiculous dose of MDMA. I tell this story in my upcoming book, "Psychonaut", it was insane. Like 350mg of MDMA, plus, like 140 micrograms of Toad. And, it was awesome but I couldn't sleep for three days. I'm like, "I am fucking going crazy here." So, finally, I was like, "What am I going to do?" I was like, "I'm going to have some drinks." And I got out a bottle of, I don't know, it was wine or whiskey or saki. I don't even remember what it was. But I got out a bottle, and I just started having drinks. A few drinks in, I was like... Because my consciousness was actually so high, and I was vibrating so high, that I couldn't down regulate, and it just actually helped close a few things down.
So, I'm not even saying that alcohol can't sometimes be medicine. I think all things. And I'm not saying that psychedelics can't also be drugs, because they can. You can use them for escape. But these different these different psychedelic medicines, typically, they do the opposite. They elevate your consciousness so you enter a field where you see reality and you see yourself in this kind of golden light frequency of the truth of how beautiful everything is. And that's fucking huge. I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be standing here as the same person you know if it wasn't for those tools.
JAKE: Yeah. And coming off of it, you feel lighter. Just everyday just feels--
AUBREY: Instead of a hangover, you got the opposite. You got like the aftertaste afterglow.
JAKE: Yeah, exactly. There was a moment where all these fireflies are in the maloca. They like buzz for like one second, and there's probably 20 of them. Most of the time, my eyes were closed. But I opened my eyes, and I just started looking at these fireflies. And in that moment, one of them lights up and starts going crazy. Circling around, like, "Look at me. I'm cool." He didn't--
AUBREY: Flash on and off.
JAKE: Yeah, he was just on. And he was flying super-fast and going crazy. And he was like, "Look at me, I'm flying. I'm the best one here. I'm better than all y'all. Wee!" And, I just like had this voice in my head, like, "Wee!" I'm just sitting there like laughing my ass off at how beautiful that moment is and that firefly and how... Obviously you don't know it's consciousness or what it's thinking, but that firefly's life is so important to him or her, and is having a blast flying around in this maloca. We all just have one life regardless of how long it is. It sounds funny to say, but when you just think about every little being and how their life matters to them, it changes your perspective on a lot of stuff.
AUBREY: Also, look, as somebody who's been in the magical realms for a long time, I also am wide open to the possibility that that firefly had formed some kind of spiritual resonance with you, and was doing that for you.
JAKE: That's what I'm saying.
AUBREY: It actually didn't know what it's doing. Like, "I don't know why I'm doing this. Why am I fucking circling around?" But because you were actually calling that forth, because I've seen some crazy magical shit happen in ayahuasca. One of the things you feel is you feel a sense of connection to the field. Like you and the firefly. What I'm suggesting is, is you and the firefly may have been in this cosmic dance, or that was a relationship that you guys developed in the field that you were tapping into, where that was something special that God, source, spirit, Mother Ayahuasca, all different ways and different windows to talk about the same thing. It was kind of like just showing you I'm here with you, and this is going to be a cool lesson, and it requires this firefly.
JAKE: And, just the storms that were going on during those weeks or days.
AUBREY: Yeah, it was crazy.
JAKE: Some of the most beautiful revelations that I was having, and the energy building together as a collective in the maloca, then the lightning is striking and thunder is rumbling. It was just the most magical, magical thing that you can't even explain unless you really experience it. But yeah, I think the whole field is connected. Even at one point, I was in my own journey, then all of a sudden, I hear like a girl on the other side of the maloca. She's crying and screaming in pain, and then all of a sudden, there was like this red bean that had this negative energy came up. It completely... My experience stopped and this bad energy entered, and I literally, instantly went into kill mode. I started beating the shit out of this thing. It was like life or death for me. I felt like I was in a real life or death situation that this thing came up, and I beat the shit out of this thing. It goes away. And then the girl like stops screaming and crying. I didn't know who it was, but that was trippy as fuck. I was like, "What the heck--"
AUBREY: Yeah, don't fuck with our people, says Jake, he's like, "Being, not today, motherfucker. You fucked with the wrong maloca."
JAKE: Yeah, exactly.
AUBREY: And it's interesting with these, and I don't want to get into my whole spiel on how to deal with demons. But one of the strategies is sometimes you got to fight them. And to do that, you have to have confidence that you're capable of fighting. Sometimes they're just baiting you to fight because that's all they do. They're like the Diaz brothers of fighting. The more you fight them, the more they just want to fucking fight. It doesn't matter. Even if you win, they're like, "I'm fucking still here, I'll fight you in the..." As we got IVs going in our arms, I'll still fight you there. So they just want to fight. And still, you can choose to fight, and sometimes there's virtue in that. Sometimes they need love. Sometimes you just go, "Not today, this is too much for me to handle," and you just push them out. There's a lot of things you can do. But it was cool. I mean, you don't have the veteran experience of all manner of demons. But you made the right choice clearly, in this one. And I think your instinct was for that choice.
But I also want to just put it out there. There's some demons y'all don't want to fight. I'm just saying, there's some ways, and I've encountered all different varieties of those different energies. Call them demons, whatever. Demons could have stronger biblical meanings than what I'm talking about, but those energies. But yeah, it's a cool story. Because I've been there myself, and there are certain times where you got to say, "No, not today." And then you have your own techniques and technologies. And for you, you know how to use your fists. That was the move.
JAKE: It happened really fast. I don't think I would have been like, let me love this demon. I instantly fought. But yeah, one of the other crazy things I just remembered, actually, that came out of that week. It started with Toad, because I did Toad first. But when I went into the Toad journey, I instantly went into this white space, and it felt like very loving. Then I went into this completely dark space, and it felt that's where most of the time was spent in that dark space, with anger and fear and all of these things. It was kind of bringing up a lot of those things that I still had to deal with and all of that. So, I see this white and black space. I'm like, okay, what does all this mean? But then I go into, I think it was like a month and a half later, into one of the ayahuasca ceremonies, and I have this massive self-realization of sort of what we're talking about, which is how do you use all of your trauma and all of the bad things and all the crazy sides of you, and that anger and that fear, that edginess, that craziness, that wildness to your advantage?
But also, that's where I was operating out of, and I wasn't operating as much out of a place of love and my love for things. And it was a big key ingredient that I was missing. I realized that the ultimate warriors or ultimate people, the good kings know how to manage that duality. And, the darkness is the death, it's the black hole, it's where energy can get sucked into and the light is the love and the enlightenment. And, I saw this image of me being split down the middle of this loving being and this being who also carries a lot of darkness, but I can use both to my advantage, specifically in my profession, which is fighting. I don't know if... It was a big realization for me to fight out of a place of love, love for my family, love for my friends, love for myself, love for the sport of boxing, and not just fighting with anger and to prove people wrong, to show the world. That's still within me. But it showed me like this is how you need to lead your life, is harnessing this duality.
I fast forwarded to the future and it showed me this vision of my kids. I was like taking them to do their first ayahuasca ceremony. And my son it was, showed up with half of his face painted white, and half of his face painted black.
AUBREY: That's cool.
JAKE: And in that moment, I was like this is our family's symbol. This is what we need to embody as men, and as people in today's society. It's not being easily controlled, and just all love. It's not being just all anger and resentment and hatred and jealousy. It's being able to tap into both sides of the light and the dark for the greater good. And, I just had this epiphany and have just led my life now with that. It's been very helpful.
AUBREY: Yeah, man. We had a big chat about this before the Nate Diaz fight, and we'll go tell that whole story, and I want to talk about this a little bit. But, the true integrated man or woman understands, they're neither the black or the white, they're neither the darkness or the light. But they're actually the line in between. And that's the deeper wisdom of the Yin Yang symbol from Taoism is, actually where you want to be is actually the line in between both, and understand the nature of both qualities. Now, I would offer a subtle distinction from what you're talking about in the black, because what you're talking about in the black is actually a shadow quality of the black. A shadow quality of the black is when you're doing something out of awareness. A shadow is something that you can't see, that's the nature of a shadow. So if people are like, oh yeah, this is my shadow. No, it's not. You're aware of it. If you're talking about it, it's not your fucking shadow. If it's in the shadow, you can't see it. That's the whole point of the shadow, it's outside of your awareness.
And so a lot of these shadow qualities, which are hurting other people intentionally and not being aware that you're hurting them, acting out of reaction or anger. Those are shadow qualities. And there's also shadow qualities of the light. Shadow qualities of the light could be spiritually bypassing something, and ignoring your animality, or getting into your own spiritual materialism. There are shadow qualities of both. But in its purest essence, the light is the impulse to love and merge with source consciousness, and merge with the field and spread that love. The nature of the darkness is actually the nature of our own animality, and we are savages. And I say that in with the highest esteem. We come from a lineage of mammals and other beings all across this earth. They don't kill just for food. If you ever watch a cat. A cat is not killing birds and mice because, "I'm starving and I regret having to kill this mouse. Really, mouse, I would love to let you live but I've got to eat." No, they like to kill. They fucking enjoy it. It's fun for them. And there's a part of that that's in it, that we actually... It feels good to be bad.
Now, that being said, that's in it, so it feels good. When you knock Nate Diaz down to the canvas, it felt good. I know it did. I know it fucking felt good. When you land that clean shot, when you drop someone. It's not, "We're boxing, and I was sorry to do it to Nate. I'm really hoping that..." Yeah, maybe there's a part of that somewhere. But no, you're like, "No, that fucking feels good." It's like Chuck Liddell when he used to knock somebody out and he'd fucking flex and scream up in the sky. It feels fucking good. But you're doing it in a context where there's mutual agreement, you're both agreeing to give your best, you're both agreeing to try and hurt each other. So that allows you to express your animality, it allows you to express your badness. Same thing can happen in the bedroom. You can be bad in the bedroom, but it's an agreement, and someone couldn't want your badness. Like yeah, be fucking bad. I want to feel your badness, I want to feel your animality, I want to feel your beast, I want to feel your demon. And I want to love your demon, and I want to let my demon play with your demon.
But there's always the balance of the light, which is I love you. And at any given moment, we can break into a giggle. And after any one of these fights, we're going to hug it out. That's at least my intention. Now there could be some other shit that happens where that's not available, right? But fundamentally, you're like, once this contest is over, once this defined thing is over, I'm going to let my bad out, but I'm always going to wrap it in a field of my good. And that's where we start to choose. We're not innately bad or good. When you recognize that you're both, and I fucking fully recognize that I'm both, that's why I'd rather enjoy how much I've been fucking with Brandon. It's part of my badness. I really enjoy it. He's so good, and I get to be bad. And I fuck with him. I just laugh and laugh and laugh. Because we also have an agreement as brothers that he knows that I love him, and I do. I love that guy. And with that agreement, all of these things are fair bets. Like when he expressed his biggest fear was someone was going to slap him in the face when he's in the cold plunge. I couldn't resist.
JAKE: Slapping him in the face.
AUBREY: Yeah, I couldn't resist. It was too much of a temptation. And then I laughed and howled. I didn't slap him hard, but there's an aspect of that, that I think allows someone to actually really be good, is that we embrace the bad elements of ourselves but we also peer through with our awareness, which is on the line and actually above, because you have that as part of your Instagram profile. You got black glove and a white glove. We'll talk about the whole fight with Nate Diaz too. But it's the awareness to see all of that, eliminate all of the shadows, and then be like, alright, I'm going to allow this, this is where I'm allowing my badness to express. But I'm always going to... This is where I'm going to allow my goodness to express.
JAKE: Yeah, it's a very liberating feeling. That's why I share the story is because I think, in my generation, there's a big lack of emotional intelligence. We're not taught it. A lot of us didn't have these conversations with our parents, emotional conversation with our parents. So, it's exactly what you said. It's okay to have that bad in you and use it.
AUBREY: Play with it.
JAKE: Yeah, and make yourself better because of it. I felt liberated because I found that out through these experiences, whereas I was just always painted as this bad kid, bad kid, terrible, bad person, bad person. The media, the media, the articles, the clicks, this is crazy, chaotic. And finally when I was like, yeah, I can be bad, y'all want me to be bad? I'm about to start beating the fuck out of everybody. I'm not even... Yeah, wait a second. I am a fucking fighter. I am a fucking fighter and I'm a better fighter than these fighters, I'm a very vicious person. And that's okay. That's okay. Now I have the perfect place to utilize that, and I think every man or woman should find that place to let it all out. Because when I can go into the gym and just unleash on someone, it helps me be more docile and calm and collected and loving, on the other side of things, and for the rest of the day.
AUBREY: Absolutely, man. This is a Jung quote, that your leaves only stretch to heaven to the extent that your roots reach down to hell. And to understand yourself as a full spectrum, being a full spectrum man or woman, you've got to be able to embrace both aspects. When you put one of those aspects in the shadow, "No, I would never enjoy hurting someone." Yeah, right. Of course you would. But you would also hate it because of your goodness, because that would be a delusion. When you hurt somebody, then you're realizing that you're in the myth of separation. You're trying to believe that that person isn't you living a different life, that you're not connected to the field. So you can't hurt somebody unless there's an agreement to do it, and that's your goodness. So you're not hurting people in the shadow. That's all this sexual predation, that's all of this type of attitude. It's hurting people without an agreement that you're here to hurt each other. That's starting a street fight, like picking on somebody.
If you went into a bar, and somebody's fucking mouths off something and they're just a little fucking average dude, it's not part of your goodness to beat the fuck out of that guy. It's part of your goodness to go, "Alright, bro, see you later." And you got X and you got Drew, they would handle that shit for you anyway. But nonetheless, there's not an agreement there, and it's not actually in your goodness to unleash in that category. Now, if you get just bum rushed by a bunch of people and you're defending yourself, for sure. Let it out. I've only been in one real legit street fight. Four guys surrounding my car. I won't tell the whole story. I've told it before, but one of them slams my fiancée Caitlin, slams her face into the window. I just flew into rage. I flew around the car. I didn't even know how I got around the car, but I maybe jumped it, like "Dukes of Hazzard" style, I don't fucking know.
JAKE: Slid across.
AUBREY: And I hit him as hard as I fucking could. If I could have put my... Because he just slammed my fiancé's face into my car window, unprovoked basically. If I could have put my face through his head and pulled out his ear, I probably would have at that point. I hit him as hard as I could. And then I fought the other guys, Caitlin's on one of their backs. And at the end of it, I'm standing, they ran away. All I could feel was I can't believe I let them run away. If I would have been better--
JAKE: "Finish them."
AUBREY: I'd have finished them. So, there's a moment for that. There's a moment for that experience to come out. But for us in our life, finding the safe playgrounds, that we can allow our bad to be acknowledged, loved, expressed, this is real self-love to me. It's loving all your badness and loving all of your goodness, because otherwise, you're going to be judging yourself. Am I good? Am I bad? Am I good? You're both. You're both, motherfucker. You're both. Now, what are you going to choose? How are you going to choose to live? Are you going to be able to forget your goodness, forget your connection to all of those people around you? Well, hopefully not, because then your badness is going to be in the shadow, and then it's going to be actually bad. And that's the big difference. So, I think what you're saying and what you've done with the black and white and the black and white gloves, we had a half-moon the other day and it was hilarious. We're out playing pickleball where you're just like a little bit better than Brandon. So, as you were playing like a little bit better than Brandon, one of my favorite moments was, you look at the mood and you're like, "Moon, why are you jocking my style? That's my profile pic."
JAKE: "Stop copying me." Trademarked. No, because when the moon is half-moon, it's like my profile picture.
AUBREY: Yeah, exactly. Half black half white. It was really funny.
JAKE: I'm still going to sue the moon.
AUBREY: Jake Paul sues the moon.
JAKE: Great, great, you guys want articles, huh?
AUBREY: That's hilarious. So, let's fast forward then. I was talking to you about this kind of dharma, this idea, everything I had about it before the Nate Diaz fight. And I still want to talk about the Godbomb, so footnote on that, but I want to go right into this because this is on the subject at hand. First of all, before that happened, one thing I want to reflect is one of the differences between the Anderson fight and the Nate Diaz fight is you still had a lot of great people around you in the Anderson fight, but it was a kind of packed and busy house. There was a little bit of chaos in that place. It was like, whoa, there's a fucking ton of people. And then for the Nate fight, things had really quieted down. Also I want to make a footnote, because I want to stay on this thread. But I also want to talk about the Tommy Fury fight, which was a period where you actually left your own Dharma of the black and white, and went black-black gloves. That was a really dark time in your life, so we've got to circle back to that.
JAKE: It's so weird that you noticed that because I noticed it in hindsight, like, "Wow, I was only wearing black shorts." I got rid of the love, and I was in a very dark place. It was very serendipitous. I don't know, but yeah.
AUBREY: So, we're going to circle back there, because I think it's important, but let's finish this, this story here. So we go in, and it's just me and Lucas and one of your brothers with a camera. Then we're doing a breathwork and guided meditation visualization.
JAKE: Yeah, this is the night before the fight.
AUBREY: Night before the fight. It's just us up there. And, I drop into my deepest listening. Lucas says some things, guides the breathwork as the master that he is. I move around. Part of what I offer in the Godbomb is to offer bodywork. So, you've been through my bodywork, and so I'm comfortable, kind of, but I'm doing it real light now. Because also your body is keenly attuned, the muscles that are tight are supposed to be tight. I'm not trying to adjust anything. It's just more feeling and feeling the energy. I get to your left arm, and I just see this flash of you hitting Nate with a left hook and dropping him. Dropping him hard. It seemed like a knockout. But all I saw was, that was just my mind imagining what that was. But I was like, "Oh, you fucking dropped him with the left," because that's what I saw. And so we wrap up, we finish up and I go, "Hey, man, just want to tell you. I was on your left hand, and I saw you dropping Nate with a left hook." And you go, "Bro."
JAKE: "Me too."
AUBREY: You saw the same shit.
JAKE: Yeah, during the meditation, it was like left hand, left hook. The left hook is going to be the game changer in this fight. Normally you don't say your visions or whatever it is, or what you experienced.
AUBREY: Exactly. It was actually awkward for me. And I actually didn't know if I should say it. But I was like, this was really clear and really unusual. So I was like, "Hey, man, take this for what it is. But I saw this." And you're like, "Me, too." I was like, "Oh, damn. That's interesting."
JAKE: It was super trippy and surreal. And in that moment, I was like, okay, this is definitely going to happen. And so many things were in perfect alignment. The energy of the camp, the house, the buildup, the press conferences. Everything was in this perfect alignment, and you could just feel the win. It was just right there, and reality was just sort of catching up. But the trippiest part.
AUBREY: The trippiest part. So, then we go through and we're talking, and we're sitting down on the couch. We're talking about all kinds of stuff, some hilarious stuff, your boy is telling fucking hilarious stories, like Lucas is telling hilarious fucking, like crazy wild stories, doing meth with lady boys. It's just a hilarious time. But we're also talking about this same, what I call the Dharma, the same ideas, I was sharing about the black and white, and how significant it is, and what a good choice that is, and how important it is. Then a black... Well, you can tell this part of the story.
JAKE: Yeah, so we also just so happened to be sitting in the living room surrounded by black and white paintings hung on the wall. Coincidence? No. I'm sitting next to Aubrey and his left hand is like extended on the couch almost.
AUBREY: This is one in the morning on a very well-lit living room. Because you're going to bed late, you got a late flight, so that's part of your program. Like you're fucking around, like that was the plan. You had your time to eat was like midnight, and your bedtime was later. So, I'm staying up with you.
JAKE: Yeah, and it's always good to laugh before fights and forget that the fight's the next day. So, good to have that camaraderie. Aubrey's hand is on the couch almost as if it were like around a girl. My head is kind of like right by his hand. And, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this butterfly is flying around and lands directly on Audrey's left hand. I move my head like five inches closer, and it's a black and white butterfly. And we're all just like, "Oh, my Gosh." The universe just is always winking at you if you take notice to it. Yeah, I just felt so much peace and ease in that moment. Because first of all, are butterflies like even in Texas like that?
AUBREY: At night? Inside?
JAKE: How did it get inside? There's no doors open. It flew in when someone opened the door for three seconds? Okay. And just so happened to land on your left hand. It was moments after. We were talking about what we had just experienced in the meditation and us both saying, yeah, it's going to be left hand. It was so funny. Because I'm just like, "Yeah, that's a black and white butterfly." And you're like, "Yep."
AUBREY: And then you start pointing to the butterflies that you have tattooed all over your body, and all of these different synchronicities. So, all right, so then fast forward to the night of the fight. So you get to bed, and we had just a fucking great time. As far as taking the pressure off and just laughing, that was 10 out of 10. It was just epic fun. And also, that crazy mystical experience. So, we're going into American Airlines Arena in Dallas, and you're rolling in on a tank. And for those of y'all who don't know, a tank is not what you think a tank is. It's way denser. It's way more intense. You think you know what a tank is? "Oh, I've seen tanks. I watched a fucking movie." You don't know what a fucking tank is, I promise you. You don't know a tank until you've seen a tank. That shit's crazy.
JAKE: It has such a powerful engine, just like a roar to it. It's insane.
AUBREY: And it just smoked out the whole parking garage with its exhaust. This is not an environmentally friendly machine. This is on the black side of the equation here for sure. But it was fucking cool. It had "Better" on it, you come in on the tank. It was an epic, epic thing. So we go through that. But, security, maybe because they're rattled by the tank or whatever, they're given all kinds of static to Lucas and Hela I just like Jedi... And they were given static to me too. Like, "You can't come in, you can't come in with a bag. You don't have a wristband." I'm like, "I'm coming through, I'm going through, I'm going to the locker room." And they're like, no, no, no. I just kept walking, it was like Jedi mind trick. I was like, I'm fucking going into the locker room.
So I get in there a little bit before Lucas and Hela were able to actually... Lucas was able to get into the locker room. Hela usually stays outside, that's Lucas's partner. So, I'm in there and you go, "I'm ready to drop in." And I go, "Okay, well, I don't know exactly what Lucas leads you through." But I was like, "I'm going to trust you to guide your own breath because you know how to do your own breath. So I'm not going to tell you how deep you want to go," because I can obviously guide breathwork but I don't know what your program is, and what that is. But I know, I'll be there for you, I got you. And so, you're laying down on the couch and dropping in. I guide you through a few things but I remember the most powerful thing that really came through is, I was like, I want you to anchor from this moment right here us on the couch. And, me saying, go from this moment to the moment where you walk back in this locker room, and you see me, and we have a big fucking smile on our face, and both of us just scream, "The left hook."
JAKE: Yeah, literally.
AUBREY: "The left hook." And I was like, anchor from this moment to that moment, and make that as real as possible. Feel the joy of that moment, see my face, see us like in that--
JAKE: Celebrating the left hook. Yeah, brought me a lot of peace in that moment. I was definitely a bit nervous per usual, but that brought me into the time, in the right timeline, and sort of the nerves went away after that which is really powerful. But yeah, sure enough, fifth round.
AUBREY: Sure enough.
JAKE: Put him down with a left hook.
AUBREY: Put him down with a left hook.
JAKE: A couple of more inches, he would have fallen off onto the--
AUBREY: Through the ring.
JAKE: Yeah, onto the table.
AUBREY: In like a full Logan Paul-esque, break the table outside of the fucking cage, outside of the ring.
JAKE: Yes, knocked them out of the ring with a left hook, and the left hook also being one of the most effective punches of the fight just in general. So, it was just trippy. And then sure enough, as soon as I walked back into the locker room, you're the first person I see. And we go, "The left hook!"
AUBREY: And brilliantly, somebody captured a photo of that. So, the photo that you posted in the gallery is us screaming, the left hook. And another interesting part of that was your left boxing glove was the white glove. And what I was saying, I was like, listen, all respect to Nate. He is a fucking legend. And, he fights from the dark energy. Not the shadow dark energy. I think he's very well aware, and I don't think he's a bad guy. But he fights from the dark energy. I don't know Nate, but it doesn't seem like he has the full well rounded picture of the connection to the source field, the collapse of the myth of separation. He's fighting from the dark, but you're fighting from both. And so, you have that viciousness where you can meet him in the intensity of that. But the difference is, is that you have your goodness, and the goodness is going to be the difference in this fight.
JAKE: Yeah, and that love is so powerful as well. You need both in the ring, because it's the hardest thing in the world. One of the hardest things in the world. And you can't just operate with half capacity, half emotion. You need all those emotions, and I've experienced not having both.
AUBREY: So that was the Tommy Fury fight. So let's go there. First of all, we've talked about and it's like mad respect to Tommy, he showed up, he's a better man that night, and all this. There's no part of you that's like, oh--
JAKE: He really showed up.
AUBREY: He fucking showed up.
JAKE: He had a great fight, and he won fair and square. Kudos to him. It makes the rematch very exciting. But yeah, that was a fight where there was a lot of... I was operating out of a place of darkness, and had to learn a lot about my ego, and just thinking I can beat everybody no matter what's going on in my life. And no, I'm stronger and mentally tougher than all this shit, and thinking I could skip on preparations. I don't know if I've shared it publicly. I don't think I had. But yeah, I was going through--
AUBREY: Exclusive.
JAKE: Yes. "Exclusive, exclusive, read all about it." I was going through a breakup during that lead up to that fight. Which just complicated so many things. I was dealing with it, but not dealing with it in necessarily the proper ways. And so, I went home for Christmas to be around family, bring the vibes up, bring the energy up. Laughter, good family spirit. Unfortunately, every one of my family drinks all the fucking time. And so, I'm like hurting, and I'm the only one who's... I'm trying to stay sober. This fight's probably coming up. It wasn't for sure signed. And then, one thing leads to another. I start having a few drinks, and it led to a lot of drinks. And I was like okay, this is how I'm going to deal with this, this is helping, this is numbing it for a second. This was like seven weeks before the fight, was just in this dark place of healing and trying to fix it, escaping it from with alcohol which was terrible. It just like weakened me and my energy, my aura, and my training, and I had to learn how stupid that was.
Like in hindsight, it seems so obvious, but it's like, it's just Tommy Fury, and he's never been in a big fight, and he's going to get nervous and he doesn't hit that hard, and I knock down and knock out everybody. Yeah, I learned the hard way that going down that dark route just had so many consequences. It wasn't smart to mix all of those things together. Because mentally I wasn't in the right place. I don't care who you are or whatever, you can't... I don't think you can go through a fight training camp which requires the most amount of physicality while also you're trying to heal mentally from this, from being in a serious relationship and breaking up and all... Your mind is not in the right place, your heart is a muscle. So if your heart is hurting, it's going to take so much energy away from the physicality side of things. I wasn't getting as good trainings. I think drinking, my immune system weakened. I ended up getting really, really sick with COVID. Yeah, the list goes on, but like...
AUBREY: You also had... There's a certain point where your fears are always there, and you dealt with one of your big fears, which is, this wasn't a casual relationship. You really loved her. Deeply loved her. And it was deeply difficult the way that it ended. It wasn't like a smooth conscious uncoupling kind of moment. It was hard, it was real hard. So that's one biggest fear type of moment. And then somewhere lurking underneath all of the confidence and bravado which is important, is also the fear. What if I lose? What if I lose under the bright lights?
JAKE: For sure. I almost kind of like self-manifested it in a way because I was like, would the universe do this to me? Would I have to break up with someone and then be all confused, and then that was a huge fear of having to start from scratch, and just be single and be in that world again. And then losing a fight, all happening at once. And I was like, I know I'm not mentally good, but I tried to suppress it and put it down. You just can't cheat the game.
AUBREY: Yeah. And you turn to something that you thought you could rely on, which was your animality, the black shorts. It was like, all right. I'm going to rely on my viciousness. My viciousness is going to carry you through, and that's a super understandable move, because the access to the love, your heart's broken, man. Your heart's broke. So what are you going to bring into that fight? Well, I'm going to double down. I'm going to double down on the black.
JAKE: Yeah, exactly.
AUBREY: I'm going to be vicious enough and strong enough that I'm going to hurt him enough. And it just so happened that Tommy was good enough where he's like, that's not good enough. You're going to have to reassess, come back. And that's what I'm excited about the rematch because you're going to be wearing those black and white shorts. And, hopefully, it's not in some crazy fucking country so I can be there with you, and lad my energy for whatever small amount or medium amount, whatever it is, or no amount at all. But I'll be there with you. And that energy will, I think that energy will be the difference, and you'll see a different result.
JAKE: And I noticed the difference in the Nate Diaz camp. For the time through camp, I was just, didn't like boxing, didn't care. Training was bland, there was no fun laughter. We were in a foreign country, not at home, you don't have your dog, all these little things start to add up and it sucked the soul out of the sport, and there wasn't that love. I think everything needs to be like in that perfect balance, and I brought that back for the Nate Diaz camp. It was almost like in the locker room with Tommy, I knew I was going to lose. I could feel it. I could seriously just... It was like I couldn't do anything about it to change it. I just like felt this impending energy of doom. And I was like, I'm still going to do my fucking best.
AUBREY: Of course, that's what the warrior does. You go out on your shield, bro.
JAKE: Yeah, but I could feel it. And one of my coaches told me in hindsight, he's like, yeah, like I could feel it too in that locker room, and when you got into the ring. You can't, I guess change, destiny or whatever it is.
AUBREY: Well, I mean, there are wizard moves that could be made. But those wizard moves have to be done by wizards. That's the reality. You can become the wizard who can be, I sense this, I acknowledge it, let me through my power of alchemy, create a different energy. It is possible. But you can't actually without actually doing some alchemical process, some wizardry move where you acknowledge it. And you're like, we're going to fucking transmute it with all of the power of our belief, and all of the help of all of the guides. We're going to turn this fucking energy. And it doesn't even guarantee success, but yeah, you got to make some real moves. Because there was none of that in the Nate Diaz camp. I mean, I remember the music, I remember almost dancing as you're shadow boxing. I remember just the whole energy of the whole thing.
JAKE: Night and fucking day difference. Night and day difference. It compounds, that positive energy and that negative energy, and yeah, it was tough, but I also am happy it happened because it's made me a better man. We were talking about that. You need that foe, that enemy, that opposition to be there every single day, to make you a better person. A lot of people hate their enemies or hate their competition. I love Tommy Fury for beating me. I respect him, and I'm thankful that he's now reinstilled this fire in my belly. It's not like I got fucked up. It's split decision, put him on the canvas, all of these things. So when I'm at my best, I know I'm going to beat this guy. But he has now made me, every morning when I wake up, he's an impending energy that I know I have to be in the gym and to get better and better and better. And so I'm thankful for that, and thankful for my biggest competitor.
AUBREY: If only Brandon was a little bit better, he could be that for you. If he was just a little better, he could bring that--
JAKE: I would think about Brandon. Yeah.
AUBREY: The funny part of this is Jake's not even necessarily agreeing with me. I'm just continuing allowing this lie.
JAKE: I unfairly got thrown into this.
AUBREY: For sure. So now Brandon has you as the person that he's going to be thinking about every time he plays a paddle sport. That's hilarious.
JAKE: But yeah, so I lose. It was freeing in a way because it was my two biggest fears basically had happened all in the span of like three months. So there I was on the other side of it, how am I going to deal with this?
AUBREY: And you're still--
JAKE: How am I going to respond? Yeah. It was funny because the next morning, I was in my hotel after the loss. Everyone's kind of packing up, we're getting ready to leave. And I'm looking down at the city, and I see thousands of cars on all these different highways, just driving, continuing to go about their lives. And, I was like, "This literally doesn't matter." Everyone's going on with their lives. If I can mentally let this affect me or think that it's like some crazy thing or weird thing or bad thing that I went in there and did my best and lost when this kid has been doing it since he was six years old, and let it mentally affect me. I think a lot of fighters go down that route. It's like, life goes on brother, it's a new day, time to grow from it and get better from it. Easier said than done.
There was moments where I'd wake up and feel lost and I would be like damn, what am I going to do about this? This sucks, this doesn't feel good. What's next? What's next. At the same time still healing from what had happened in the relationship, and just healing in general as a person still, and on that journey. I remember, I was on a run like 10 days after, because I got right back in the gym, the next day after the Tommy fight. I was on a run like 10 days later. And finally, I felt liberated because I was running and I was going fast. It was the end of the run, and I was just in this badass mood. I finished the run, and I look up into the sky, I'm like, "Is this all you got? Is this all you fucking got? Is this all you have for me? This is nothing."
At that moment, I was just freed. I've faced everything in life now. Loss, heartbreak, scrutiny, allegations, lawsuits, public humiliation, all of these things, all of these things. I don't think life can throw anything at me. And Brandon said to me, he's like, "Hey, bro, once you get past this, you're going to be invincible."
AUBREY: Yeah, and mad respect to the crazy creativity of life that may throw some more crazy shit, and blessings and prayers that it doesn't. But nonetheless what you're saying is very, very true. You've dealt with so many different things and so many different vectors. This sort of reminds me of two things. One, is there's a quote from Carlos Castaneda, and it says, death is the wisest advisor that a warrior has. Because when he thinks that all is lost, he can ask death, is that so? And death will reply, no, I haven't touched you yet. So, it's this idea of, oh yeah, I'm still alive. So, you ask your death. "Death, is this it? Is this the end?" And death goes, "Nah, I haven't touched you. You're still alive, bro." And there's like a beautiful wisdom in that understanding. I think all people who enter the warrior life, and when we go through these challenging things, like you can ask your death and just know that as long as you still draw breath, the warrior's heart still beats. It doesn't end.
JAKE: Yeah, and your problems are only as big as you make them.
AUBREY: Yep. Reminds me too of what my mom, so my mom was a semifinalist at Wimbledon, you got to meet her last night at the RFK dinner, which we should touch on as well. I would get really nervous before like the big basketball games, and be really hard on myself. I didn't play a good game or we lost. We had big crowds. It's Texas high school sports, so we'd get a couple of thousand people at our big games. So, she goes, "Listen, one thing, Aubrey that I had to learn as a tennis player, is that nobody really cares as much as you think they do in the stands. They're there for the spectacle, and they're going to be rooting for you, and they're going to be cheering for you. But later on that night, they're going to go home, they're going to laugh, they're going to fuck their girlfriend or boyfriend, and they're going to move on." We imagine that they're just caring and obsessing, and I suppose sometimes in some sports, there are people like that who are I'm going to fucking shave my head until the Jets win a Super Bowl. And it's like they get a little obsessed. So I'm not saying that that doesn't exist as well.
But fundamentally, most people just, it's a disappointment, it sucks, it's hard, and especially the closer you are to the people who are there because you care for them. But most people just move on with their life, just like all the people drive and just like all the people watching. It just kind of takes some of the pressure off and realizing this is still a game that I'm playing. It's a game that's designed to help prepare me for the bigger game. And I think that's a perfect segue to the RFK dinner last night because that to me, this is the big game. And, you went in very fair, and you're like, "I really liked what Vivek says." And you even told RFK that, and RFK was like, "Yeah, I understand. I respect him as an opponent." But you got to see and feel what Bobby Kennedy stands for too, and just be a witness, and be a part, and actually was showing Bobby how to run his Snapchat.
JAKE: Yeah, TikTok, and just teaching him how to do the videos. It's hilarious.
AUBREY: Doing video replies is a hilarious, beautiful moment, and also shows that Bobby, he's just a type of person that's willing to learn, willing to listen, and just share from his heart. I was curious to hear what your impression having not known too much about him, and just getting to spend some time with him. We had dinner together. We shared some time before, so what were your overall thoughts?
JAKE: I thought he was amazing. I was impressed, very impressed with him as a person, his stories, and a lot of his sentiment on what he wants to change and where the problems are in America, and where they lie. I share a lot of the same viewpoints, and I share a lot of the same viewpoints with Vivek as well. I think, oddly enough, Vivek and Bobby say a lot of the same things. I was just, there's obvious differences, obviously, but it was so crazy hearing all of his stories and his knowledge on American history, and how in depth, he understands what happened to our country, and why and what that led to and how things unfolded. I think that's a super, super, super important, obviously, characteristic for the President to really know every single thing that's led us up till this point. But he really listened to me and what I was having to say, and the problems I think that a lot of our generation deals with. A lot of what he said about the auto immune stuff, and why there's so many kids with all these diseases, and it's the food, and vaccines, and the phones and all these EMF protection and all these things. You don't see these--
AUBREY: He listed, there's like 10 things we got to look at, basically saying. There's 10 things we got to look at that happened somewhere in the late 80s, that contributed to this massive spike in chronic disease. And he wants to go on his first day as President walk down to the NIH and be like, alright, here we go. Now we're going to study the real causes of these things. Fuck your funding sources, fuck this, we've got to investigate all of them. And I think people will say, oh, he only cares about his vaccines, and all his conspiracies. No, this is one of 10 things that have contributed to an environment that's clearly causing people to be sick. And you can feel how much he cares for the people who are sick. That's his goodness.
JAKE: Yeah, and he didn't feel like a politician, which is great. A lot of other presidents are always just pandering or telling people what they want to hear. I liked how he would tell people in the crowd, I don't know, I don't know about that. I don't think that's the right answer. And, having that honesty is key. Honesty is the key to everything, and it's just been so lost in media and our generation. I don't even know if I've spoken in depth, because people have seen me with like some of the presidential candidates, Vivek, now RFK. And it's like, "Oh, Jake Paul, what the fuck does he know about anything?" But I've always cared about politics. I've just never chose to get involved, because it's also going to be very polarizing, and piss off a lot of people if you support a certain subsector or are on one side. In the business I'm in, people can ostracize you, limit you, shadow ban you, block your videos for simply choosing one side or the other. And it's happened to me, it's happened to me. So I've never really wanted to get involved.
But now I feel it's such a big important thing for me, using my platform to educate kids on why it is so important to vote, why all of these things in our country are going wrong. I think a lot of kids are asleep to the fact that their vote matters, and that we're in a crisis of a time. We're in one of the worst places in American history currently. I don't know if people even realize that, or they are so worried about their own problems that they don't have the time to care about what's going on outside of their own world. And so, this is why I've chosen A) to finally, I'm going to use my platform to support the candidates that I believe should be in office. Because I think we're on the verge and on the brink of madness.
AUBREY: We are. The analogy that kind of came up, metaphor that I used when we were just talking, I hadn't thought of it before. But we're in a time where like before a tsunami or a tidal wave, the water retreats deep, deep, deep. Like far, far deeper than a low tide. So deep that it could expose the coral reefs. So there's a bunch of people who are just on their fucking phones if they're at the beach, and don't even notice. Don't even fucking notice that the water has just retreated super deep. But, some people paying a little bit more attention are like cruising down and looking like, "Whoa, look at the coral. Oh my God, look at this coral. This is amazing. Super low tide today. Fucking cool. AI, amazing. Look at these generations that I could do. I can fucking write my homework with ChatGPT, amazing, coral reefs. It's fucking beautiful." And not realizing that the water is retreating, and there's a fucking tsunami coming.
There's some people with the awareness to see no, no, no, what you're seeing is the coming tsunami. And, we got to be aware of that. It's a tsunami on many different fronts. There's a tsunami of whether you want to look at China that's buying up all of the resources in the world and aggregating a locus of power. As we spend all of our money on the military, they're spending all of their money... Oddly as a communist country, they're becoming the capitalist leaders of our world, and aggregating all of the attention because world economics is one of the things that people care about the most. So they have a 10th the military that we do, we don't have to worry about that. But we should be worrying about, they're buying up all our shit. And Bobby highlighted that to me. And I was like, "Yeah, you're fucking right." I love Bobby's attitude, too, which is, fair enough. They're playing a fair fight. They're not cheating, we just need to actually find our own strength and find our own economic power, adjust some things with energy and where we get resources, but actually find our power and ability to use our resources in a positive way. And compete. Let China be Tommy Fury, and let us be, alright, bro, fair, fair. Now, let's see what we can do.
JAKE: Yeah, and it's needed now more than ever. It needs a savior. A literal savior. And, someone who the whole entire country can get behind. Because there's too much division. If certain people get elected into the office, it just creates division on the other half, and we aren't the United States of America. We literally are the divided States of America.
AUBREY: The broken states of America.
JAKE: And, we're falling. We're falling. Clear as day. I believe that this election has the opportunity to change that all. I think a lot of kids maybe don't have the time to look into all this or care about this or understand why or how it affects you.
AUBREY: We either meet the fight out in front of us, or we wait for it to come at our doorstep. Once it's at our doorstep, it might be too late. And that's why I'm trying to fucking ring the alarm and ring the bell and stand out as early and as loudly as we can. Because the more that we can get ahead of this, just the more options we have, and the better chance we have to quell these tides of momentum. Because it's going to happen one way or another. There's no we're just cruising along, bouncing around, everything's cool. 20 years from now, it's like, oh yeah, it was annoying, these lockdowns are annoying. No, no, it's not like that. There's a full totalitarian move that's underway. Trying to ban things, censor things, keep one side of speech available and the other side not, and then all of the people who are disenfranchised because they can't share their viewpoints, and the corporate capture, and then AI and technology and deep fakes and the epistemic commons being fucking completely polluted because... I love also what Bobby said, the solution to bad information is more information. Actually allowing information. But as soon as we start censoring information, then we're not going to be able to make sense of anything. So, here's the time, man. And I just really deeply appreciate you. It's not the right career move for you to be political. It's not.
JAKE: No, it's not. It's going to hurt... It's going to show up in ways that I don't even know yet. Maybe people secretly hating behind the scenes, but enough. Enough of people being condemned for their political choices. It's fucking bullshit. This is a democracy. You're going to get mad at me for having an opinion and voicing that? That's what's wrong with right now. Why can't I respect you and your decision and your choice, but these people aren't playing a fair game anymore. It's I have a big company, and look at that kid, Jake Paul out there opposing my opinion, and he has 75 million followers of young voters, and they will follow him. We have to silence this kid, suppress him. Call everybody. We can't let him in here, we can't let them do this. And it's these dark forces that can and do have power and they will get to you. But, I don't care.
Someone said it yesterday. I'm going to die standing on my feet versus begging on my knees. I don't give a fuck. I'm here to do what's right. If I'm going to lose tens of millions of dollars because I'm going to support a certain candidate or be on a side, I don't give a fuck anymore. So, what that compounds to in the long run is way more important than my financial thing. And that's why a lot of celebrities are scared to say anything and do what's right, because they feel trapped. It's this terrible cycle that we've been in. It's this never ending thing. But now, what happens is I voice my opinion and my support, and it's going to let other kids who maybe were scared, right along with me, and maybe start to feel the courage to voice their opinion. And as soon as we live in a place and a democracy in the United States, where we can have different viewpoints but still love each other and realize that we're one, that's the day I look forward to. That's the day where we are back to being the country that we started off as, and we are so far from that. Like I said, it's going to take a savior. It's going to take a president that doesn't divide everybody. I think Bobby has that quality for sure.
AUBREY: Absolutely. Long live the good kings. Long live the good queens. Long live the warriors who are willing to stand out and say, there are worse things in death. And if this is my time and my way, it's like Bobby, his uncle and his father were killed for trying to stand for similar things. When I asked him, "Aren't you afraid that the same fate awaits you?" He just looks to me, he goes, "There are worse things than death." There are worse things than death."
JAKE: Truly.
AUBREY: That's the spirit, that's what we see in every great heroic tale. And every great story is those who say there are worst things than my death, and I'm willing to stand for it. So, I honor you, my brother, and I stand with you in every fucking victory when we're screaming about a left hook. Maybe next time will be the right hook, maybe it'll be a liver shot, who knows? Who knows what vision will come? We'll figure it out. We'll be like, "The liver shot!"
JAKE: The butterfly will come and land on your liver.
AUBREY: Exactly. Exactly. So whatever it is, I'm there for all the triumphs and all the hardships, and to the end, my brother. I know you, and I see you, and I love you.
JAKE: I love you too, man. And thank you for being such an amazing person who's changing the world so much. You don't even realize the effect I think how powerful you are, and you've changed my life so much, and have been that like brother figure to me, and just helped guide me in the right direction, and helped me rewire that code, and to be there for me in hard times and the good times and the fun times. It's been amazing getting to know you. Yeah, I'm just grateful. So, thank you, man.
AUBREY: Onward. And tonight, sweat lodge with Huaira. I don't know if she's in here still but we're off. She's probably tending the fire. So, let's go. First experience for you.
JAKE: Let's go, three hours in the sweat lodge.
AUBREY: Yep. And you'll probably last just a little longer than Brandon, is all I'll say. I love you guys. Thanks for tuning in. Peace.