What would happen if you created your bucket list, and actually went for it. Full out. No excuses. Ben Nemtin put this to the test and you won’t believe what he was able to accomplish. This is an absolutely inspiring and motivational podcast, which isn’t that surprising being that Ben Nemtin is one of the top motivational speakers in the world. An amazing storyteller, you’ll be continually surprised by the seemingly impossible things that can actually happen when you fully commit. For example, one of Ben’s bucket list items was playing basketball with president Obama….and it happened. And if those things you wish to accomplish don’t actually come to fruition, at least you’ll know it wasn’t from lack of effort.“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking” - William Butler Yeats
Connect with Ben Nemtin
Website |https://www.bennemtin.com/
YouTube |https://bit.ly/3RAmghS
Instagram |https://www.instagram.com/bennemtin/?hl=en
Twitter |https://twitter.com/BenNemtin